Request: can you replicate this bug?

Hi all,

I’m trying to determine if this problem is my OT, my cf card, or a problem with 1.25 H OS.

If you’re willing to try these steps and let me know what happens with yours I’d be really grateful. Thanks!

Please let me know which OS update you’re on.

Create a new project.
Populate a few flex slots from your audio pool.
Populate a few static slots from your audio pool.
Assign some flex samples to tracks.
Assign some static samples to tracks.
Drop some trigs on those tracks.
Run the sequencer.
Check that your samples are trigging & audible.
Leave it running.

THE PROBLEM :frowning:
Go into the memory settings.
(You get the message about how the sequencer will stop and record buffers will clear)
Proceed with switching dynamic recorders on
Exit settings.
Start the sequencer (play)
I get silence at this point on my OT
You can see that trigs are firing but no sound, no ‘play’ symbols on the tracks

How about you?

(This happens whether I’m switching dynamic recorders off OR on.)

WORKAROUND (not a very good one - let me know if you find better)
Hold each track button + EDIT
This brings up the assigned sample waveform
Now you can hear the sample again when trigged
(Any samples in the flex and static lists which are NOT assigned to a track, but you were trigging with p-locks must be individually ‘edited’ (just view the waveform) and they come back.)
Project rescued, hopefully

Thanks in advance to anyone taking the time to try this. Much appreciated

If no one else does, I’ll give it a crack sometime… really busy right now though…

i have the same problem on OS 1.25H
i gave up by switching it on and off,i just leave it on and change the max length from function+AB RECORD

Thanks Wissam! Sounds like this bug came in with the recent updates.

Rusty, if you get a chance it would be good to know if you get the same result. I know you are not on any of the recent OS releases. I’m considering rolling back to 1.25 E (i think) even though I really like NOT freezing when changing in-use sample slots!!

Why not just set dynamic recorders on when you start a new Project?

Both of mine are on OSv1.25E, so I can have a look, but I have other priorities at the moment, doing final testing on the next OctaEdit build, so um, thats a little bit more important in my world :wink:

thats what i’ve been doing. Decision to roll back would be based more on general mistrust of these buggy updates. I have found another bug since. another time waster…
This muting problem recurs when switching dynamic recorders back ON too btw

Just tried this and can confirm the bug, as soon as dynamic recorders change all tracks are silenced. Viewing the waveform does indeed bring the sound back for each track individually. I am also on 1.25H.

I haven’t ever used the dynamic recorders so I guess it’s not so much of an issue for me.

Would be interested if this is a new regression or if it’s always been there.

Changing any of the settings on the memory page causes this bug for me!! This could have bad implications…

i think if we all report this bug on elektron website,they might consider to fix it.

I contacted support last night, this definitely needs fixing :thinking:

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me too

Thanks all. In some ways it’s kind of better to know it’s a general bug and not my OT going rogue on me.

Elektron must surely want to fix this asap.

Support got back to me saying the bug will be reported. Also, as a workaround, it would seem its faster to do Project>>Reload than to bring the samples back online individually.

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Good tip. Thanks for sharing

You still want me to test this sometime?

You still want me to test this sometime?
Yes I’d appreciate it. I think I would have run into it on 1.25 E but I’m not sure. I haven’t yet rolled back and this would be a deciding factor. Thanks

You still want me to test this sometime?
Yes I’d appreciate it. I think I would have run into it on 1.25 E but I’m not sure. I haven’t yet rolled back and this would be a deciding factor. Thanks [/quote]
I just did a quick test, was unable to replicate…

  • OS v1.25E

  • Flex slots 001, 002 and 003 using some random samples / loops.

  • Static slots 001, 002 and 003 using some random samples / loops.

  • Track01 - Flex : some parameter lock action, one sample lock

  • Track02 - Static : some parameter lock action, one sample lock, one trigless lock

My advice?

Replicatable bug. So do this…

  • Create a Project with 3 Flex, and 3 Static samples
  • Track 01 Flex
  • Track 02 Static
  • Throw down some trigs, plocks etc.
  • Save the project and archive it. (#1)
  • Replicate the bug.
  • Save the project and archive it. (#2)
  • Fix the issue manually.
  • Save the project and archive it. (#3)
  • Create an archive of the archives (#1, #2 and #3)
  • Send me the archive of the archives
  • ???
  • Profit
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PS: I think I already know why this occurs, how it is caused, the reasoning for it, and how to fix it… but educated guesswork at the moment, send me the files and I can confirm or deny… :astonished:

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Nice one Rusty. Worth investigating. Might take a little while - I borrow a computer for transfers etc. (hence not yet an
Octaedit customer!)