Red eye

Im so glad I just read this. I wasnt heating up to 450c. I was playing it safe at 410 and was so confused as to why it would not melt all the solder, just the top portion and not the actual connections to the board. I’ll bump it up to 450c and try that next. This is way harder than it should be.

Same colour as the digi’s would be crazy dope

Hi, does anyone know if you can put a Monomachine screen into my machinedrum? Are they just different colours of the same screen? Similarly can other screens be swapped into these boxes? I am using them with an Octatrack MKII and would love for the 3 screens to be the same and I think the Octatrack screen is the best of the 3. If so, does anyone have links for replacement screens that will work that are white on black?


Octatrack mk2 display is oled and you can’t place an oled display on both MD & MNM.
On MD and MNM you can place only LCD display and the best you can do is to find LCD with the same color scheme of the Octatrack mk2, with the difference over being LCD and not oled.
There are some posts here about the display replacement for MD & MNM where you can find some infos about the specific LCD to use.

This might be interesting for both MD and MNM, but needs to be checked and confirmed:

If they are ok, I’ll get from that supplier also the displays needed for the MD Megacommand and the Norns shield (if I well remember they had them in stock).


Reviving this corpse because the Adafruit screen I linked above is discontinued. Has anyone found a modern supplier for a drop in part for the MD screen?

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From memory I would say buydisplay ones should be ok. But I would suggest checking it before order. The company is reliable and delivers fast. I have a few 16x2 from them and they are good.

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Are these confirmed for usage on MD and MNM? My MNM display starts to have a little issue, would love to use the circumstances to give both devices a black screen :slight_smile:

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Best bet a support mail to elektron :wink:

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Elektron dos not recommend or confirm that these screens work, as they have not tested these… Anyone else tried the ones from buydisplay?

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Elektron has been know to put MnM displays on MDs when they are in for repair if requested.
Know a couple people that had this done, but the devices were in for other repairs at the same time.
I laso know people that got a “NO” as an answer to the request. Can always ask them.
Keep in mine they only server mkII models, no mkI

any nifty tips and tricks on how to completly desolder the screen that is in place? Desoldering pump does not get the last tiny bits and pieces out there… or shall one desolder the whole stacker on which the screen is placed from behind?

The linked screen works perfectly fine! But as already mentioned, desoldering the old one takes a lot of patience…

Phone camera does not do justice to the screen quality ^^


desoldering’s a bastid innit :rofl:

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dude, yes! MNM is up next, not really looking forward to it ^^

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May the force be with you


But then again not too much lest you suffer lifted pads.

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which linked one? :smiley:

This one! The backlight is a bit stronger than first expected, still much nicer than red or the previous blue screen I had.
Adafruits also offers a similar screen with low backlight for around 30bucks still I’m currently thinking about giving it a shot ^^


Just wanted to chime in with another confirmation of the buydisplay black on white screen linked by @ninqe above. Perfect drop in replacement for the machinedrum screen but as many others have mentioned, desoldering the existing screen is quite tricky and probably not recommended for beginners. I have a desoldering station and it still took me a long time to complete. I ended up leaving the header in place and taking the screen off from the front. Will try and upload some photos of the process…. Screen does look better than the old red one though!


First go at desoldering from the top…. Didn’t work and had to remove the ui board

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