Recording a 128 step (8 bar) loop with 1-shot Rec Trigs

Thanks to insist. I’ll try. I’d be even more disappointed if it would be OT’s card reader’s fault. Would surprise me. Once again that’s a radical problem before an eventual live show.

And once again I think I turned off OT quickly before project CF loading, wanting to use Machinedrum only.

That would be a logical explanation.

All projects and AUDIO folder are not accessible, except the last project. The SET folder PRESET is still there. I could access it in OT after creating an AUDIO folder with File Manager, so I guess the minimum requested for OT is a folder with an AUDIO folder in it to detect it as a SET.

I’m also a photographer. Redundancy is a must in 2019. Next gen hi-end devices that rely on removable storage should all provide redundancy.


Provide? We just have to remember to occasionally copy the cf card to somewhere or two as backups, no?

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Something like dual card?
Why not. I’m totally aware of that unreliable storage things, I can’t complain, but…harder and harder to rely on things nowerdays… :slightly_frowning_face:
My old Ot still works.

Yes of course. All modern camera semi-pro to pro bodies have them. Be it a music gig or a photoshoot, you can’t afford to suddenly lose your files.

I mentioned “nex-gen hi-end devices that rely on removable storage”. Currently, we can only back-up on a computer and make sure we have the back-ups up-to-date and the computer within reach, and the recover procedure rehearsed so not to loose time or your nerves. Been doing that for decades…


Ahh yes…
Sorry, I totally appreciate your input but somehow I just seem to miss some detail or not infer something that keeps me from fully getting what you say… :slight_smile: It’s happened a few times now… Haha. :smile:


Yes sorry, I’m perhaps seeing things too much from a professional point of view. I’ve always been paid for gigs, so even if I’m still learning the OT and working on this new project I always see things from that angle.

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Oh jeez I want a banana split so bad right now


A 40 years old one!

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haha I too sometimes go a little crazy trying to get it ~exactly~ how I want it, but it was getting late, I had more work to do, and I like to subscribe to a “if it works, don’t $&% with it more than you need to” philosophy!

Thanks for the tip, too! @Open_Mike

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Hah, we went nuts on your thread. Some of us super geek octanauts will read some stuff and then go off on a crazy tangent exploring all possible methods to do something we haven’t fully explored yet. It’s kinda like a game for us. For newer OT users it probably can make things more confusing than help. I thought I should remind folks that you already had a solution and we were just spiraling away. :smile: Then it was @sezare56’s birthday so we got a little silly with inside jokes and all… Thanks for hosting… :smiley:


Happy to! :nerd_face: I’ve been at the OT for about 6/7 months now, but working seriously at it for only 2-3 months out of that time. I’ll be spending a lot more time here picking up some tips and tricks as I put my new live set together, which is very much OT-centered!

Honestly, the Elektron forums might be the most responsive/helpful and welcoming out of all the audio production ones that I spend time in… @Open_Mike


Very true. Never been on a product forum with this amount of jokes/puns! You’d get banned on some forums for posting cartoon pics!


This forum is very active, were often chatting back and forth or figuring something out in near real time…


Maybe another way would be to use rlen : max
and a conditional trig 1:2 to play 128 steps sample.

Did you try setting reserve length in memory config? It should work, here is what I’d try. (Untested)

1 shot rec trig, RLEN set to max, no need to change QPL or QREC from defaults.

In memory config set reserve length to allow upto 128 steps (or nearest value above)

Set track slot to the buffer you are recording.

For the playback trig set condition to NOT 1st. Set scale for 64/64 x1/2, master length to 128

Arm the one shot.

Start the sequencer the recording will start, once the pattern loops round the playback should start.


So @igtheflig did you choose the best solution for you ?
Reserve length @Darenager mentionned, or QREC set to PLEN and set master length to desired recording length (scale per track), or…


Not done either yet! And this (sorry) is why I sold my first OT. I had ~15 minutes to “make music” and I burned it all trying to make the OT 64 step record…erm…64 steps. Hopefully this weekend I’ll have the block of time I need to figure this out, and once I know how, I’ll know how and it won’t be frustrating anymore.

I had the same problem. I found a dirty workaround that was good enough for that time. Basically you just leave the RLEN at 64 and use another unused recording buffer for the second half of the loop. Then for playback just plock the according rec buffers.

It won’t solve some of the usecases here but did the trick for me.

Anyway… Still hoping that they would add additional selection to RLEN.

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Dunno if this will help, but this is how I do it, and its blissfully simple.

In settings/control/memory:
dynamic recorders YES
Increase reserve length, you will see it expressed in seconds, but look up the top, it is also expressed in sequencer steps.

So set that to the desired length (i work in 16 bar phrases, so closest I can dial in is 260 steps which is fine. 16 bars = 256 steps)

Set your track recorder RLEN to max, Place a one shot recorder trig, arm it, and Jingo, you’ll end up with 64,128,256 steps what ever you want. Ok, so it might be 2 steps over , not a problem, crop it, fades if you’re fussy, save to disk. Load to a static. Walk away.

I’m using the above method flawlessly as standard practice.

Hope it helps.