Recording a 128 step (8 bar) loop with 1-shot Rec Trigs

Thanks, I wouldn’t refuse it. :
Every (parts of my) body needs a 303.
Btw, I’m fine with my cheap xOx Heart clone + A4, don’t need a real one. Feel free to send me one anyway!

Nope. Thanks, why not, as the card seems full.
I think it’s possible to recover files, but still find it sad and depressing, because my computers are fucked too…

Before your message I couldn’t post mine because I had the message “sorry, an error…”
and wanted to post a kind of “Fuck Elektronauts too” message but…
Thanks for posting!
And sorry for off topic and future split! :smile:



Maybe we can flip this around. :thinking:

Perhaps your old projects were keeping you in certain areas and by creating a new fresh project you will be unbound by the shackles of your old project structure and birth a new, better, even more awesome project, perhaps combining the best elements you’ve learned from the other ones into a new master project that rules them all! :smile:


Did it most of the time, hence to much projects, but I used 11 banks for the last experiments project.

That’s the way I think of it, that deserves a banana split. I’d need rhum for bananas…:banana:
Everything lost makes back up easier.

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You should. There might be something wrong with the OT’s card reader.


Try just ejecting it and reseating it too…

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Space bananas
Space bananas 2
Space Bananas 3? :thinking: :joy:

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Thanks to insist. I’ll try. I’d be even more disappointed if it would be OT’s card reader’s fault. Would surprise me. Once again that’s a radical problem before an eventual live show.

And once again I think I turned off OT quickly before project CF loading, wanting to use Machinedrum only.

That would be a logical explanation.

All projects and AUDIO folder are not accessible, except the last project. The SET folder PRESET is still there. I could access it in OT after creating an AUDIO folder with File Manager, so I guess the minimum requested for OT is a folder with an AUDIO folder in it to detect it as a SET.

I’m also a photographer. Redundancy is a must in 2019. Next gen hi-end devices that rely on removable storage should all provide redundancy.


Provide? We just have to remember to occasionally copy the cf card to somewhere or two as backups, no?

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Something like dual card?
Why not. I’m totally aware of that unreliable storage things, I can’t complain, but…harder and harder to rely on things nowerdays… :slightly_frowning_face:
My old Ot still works.

Yes of course. All modern camera semi-pro to pro bodies have them. Be it a music gig or a photoshoot, you can’t afford to suddenly lose your files.

I mentioned “nex-gen hi-end devices that rely on removable storage”. Currently, we can only back-up on a computer and make sure we have the back-ups up-to-date and the computer within reach, and the recover procedure rehearsed so not to loose time or your nerves. Been doing that for decades…


Ahh yes…
Sorry, I totally appreciate your input but somehow I just seem to miss some detail or not infer something that keeps me from fully getting what you say… :slight_smile: It’s happened a few times now… Haha. :smile:


Yes sorry, I’m perhaps seeing things too much from a professional point of view. I’ve always been paid for gigs, so even if I’m still learning the OT and working on this new project I always see things from that angle.

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Oh jeez I want a banana split so bad right now


A 40 years old one!

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haha I too sometimes go a little crazy trying to get it ~exactly~ how I want it, but it was getting late, I had more work to do, and I like to subscribe to a “if it works, don’t $&% with it more than you need to” philosophy!

Thanks for the tip, too! @Open_Mike

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Hah, we went nuts on your thread. Some of us super geek octanauts will read some stuff and then go off on a crazy tangent exploring all possible methods to do something we haven’t fully explored yet. It’s kinda like a game for us. For newer OT users it probably can make things more confusing than help. I thought I should remind folks that you already had a solution and we were just spiraling away. :smile: Then it was @sezare56’s birthday so we got a little silly with inside jokes and all… Thanks for hosting… :smiley:


Happy to! :nerd_face: I’ve been at the OT for about 6/7 months now, but working seriously at it for only 2-3 months out of that time. I’ll be spending a lot more time here picking up some tips and tricks as I put my new live set together, which is very much OT-centered!

Honestly, the Elektron forums might be the most responsive/helpful and welcoming out of all the audio production ones that I spend time in… @Open_Mike


Very true. Never been on a product forum with this amount of jokes/puns! You’d get banned on some forums for posting cartoon pics!


This forum is very active, were often chatting back and forth or figuring something out in near real time…