Quiz me on the Octatrack!

Or maybe setting all the scenes to lock different pitches across all the tracks so each scene = a full mix scale. then use a scene button and trig keys to change scales. Untried…


Even better! Should work.

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What? Sorry guys I don’t speak Russian, or Japanese. I’m going back to the noobs forum (hangs head in shame)

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That comes in handy, as i’m chewing a question right now: do you know if there is a cc/sysex message to reload the current part? Actually i need it for the rytm in order to reload kits, but the concept should be the same.

Don’t think there is any way to reload parts with midi cc.

Playback the recorder buffer that you want to overdub onto. This could be a sample from your library, or a newly recorded sample. Use SRC3 cue recording, and cue both the track playing the recorder buffer and whatever other tracks you’d like to use to overdub. Record another pass. Voila, overdubbing without pickup machines!


Yep. Used it, saying out loud Flex are the best, but in practice, if you want to keep the rigth level at each pass, after around 15 passes the quality loss is obvious with default fx, especially filter, degrading sound progressively, ending to a dirty rumble, a lot of dirty low end weird feedback.

Without fx it’s better, but Pickups seemed better anyway with a lot of overdub recording passes.

Maybe I didn’t used the best settings. Prove me I’m wrong! :slight_smile:

My conclusion was, overdub with Rec/Flex, yes why not, and it is a workaround if OT is slaved (overdub with Pickups is not possible if OT is slaved), but wanting to layer many synths like pads /drones with overdub I’d rather use Pickups.
Test it!


Ok, no answer so :

Method 1 : Hold Function + PRESS and Turn Rate (just a little bit harder :wink:) > only max values.

Method 2 : in Playback/SRC Setup, set RATE=TSTR, TSTR Off.

With method 2, normal or reverve only, easy random reverse with random lfo. :content:


Not documented in the manual, and particular.

It’s not the Auto Channel but any of audio track channel. If they are all off, you can’t control it.

About what the is midi channel of the control change sent by the crossfader :

It is the lowest audio track midi channel.
Default is 1.

If a midi track channel share the same channel as the lowest audio track channel, it’s the lowest audio track channel above. In that case, default is 2.

AFAIK if all audio tracks midi channel are off, or if all active channels are shared, nothing is sent.
Do you think it’s better to add this in the manual? :content:


Hint word being “perceived” pitch…

-Master track with comb filter.
-Scenes locked to comb pitches to make your scale and also locked to comb mix to activate.
-Hold down scene button with fader all the way to that side and play the trigs.


Absolutely! They should really add that to the manual :slight_smile:

Next question: how do you change playback, amp and fx parameters temporarily and then revert the changes you made without utilizing part reload?

Scenes or power cycle :yum:

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Ok…that was easy^^ :stuck_out_tongue:

Btw, what about letting the user who answers a question do the next question?
So we could have like a little community quiz?
If that‘s ok with the op. @Alextronica ?

I got one: can you use the fader to control tracks’ cue level?

@eangman this is not an easy one @sezare56 spotted: do you think this should make it to the manual?

Quiz me on the Octatrack!

Wait…what?! School’s not supposed to start until next Wednesday!

I’ll report each and one of you to the Principal for trespassing and unauthorised studying :triumph:

Also great that you can set gain on pickups to minus a few dB, so that you can improvise, and the previous layers gradually disappear.

Edit: Anybody know what this concept might be called? Trying to track down some vst looper which does the same thing, but I don’t really know what I’m looking for :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit 2: Loop decay/degradation seems to be the answer for those interested :slight_smile:


Or you could think of it as a long digital delay.

Yeah, I’ve come to realize that. Sometimes easier to sync loopers though, especially in pedal-land :slight_smile:

The Pigtronix Infinity Looper just got even better! The latest firmware update adds a much-requested feature: Variable Feedback Decay. Variable Feedback Decay (also refered to by Pigtronix as “loop aging”) fades out your loop as you add new material in Overdub mode. You can choose how fast the loop fades out and even control the fade rate using an expression pedal or instantly fade out a loop using a footswitch. Variable Feedback Decay can be engaged during playback and undo/redo still work as expected.

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