Question about changing scenes with a midi controller


hello! i have a question, how is it possible to pass through the scenes a and b (as if you used the crossfader) with the control changes?
is the change of scenes possible without touching the crossfader ?? using the control changes to determine the randomic changes of the scenes ??
if yes, how do i set octatrack and how are the control change numbers to be selected and what are the octatrack channels to set? autochannel - 1 or 2 etc? except cc direct connect must be active or not to make sure the octatrack receives midi in the audio interface ?? thank you so much more than a question :slight_smile: i hope you’ll be help me elektronauti

You can control the crossfader values with CC48 (0-127), change scene A with CC55 (0-15), scene B with CC56 (0-15).


yes, i tried but it doesn’t work, maybe cause my OT is setting in a different way, i would like to know how to set the midi control page, the autochannel off or not… starting from 0 what i ve to do?

ahah why

Nothing. With a new project, default channel is 1.
It doesn’t depend on auto channel but on the lowest audio track midi channel.
EDIT : that’s only true for sent CC.
Any of audio tracks midi channels can be used to control the crossfader.

the selection of enable/disable cc direct connect has any effect on the workflow?
so if i open a new project , select channel 1 for the OT midi control ( default) and than open a midi channel x and apply the cc on cc page it work?
sorry for all this questions but i really try every thing

i ll simply control the scene changes with the LFO of the midi interface of OT

I make a difference between crossfader values control (CC48), and scenes changes (CC55 / CC56), otherwise it’s confusing.
Apparently you want crossfader control.

With midi loopback (midi cable between midi in and out) :

New project
Set a midi track with midi channel 1, CC48 in CTRL1
Modulate CTRL1 with an lfo

thank you so much

@TLXCO so it worked?
I gave more precisions here, I was wrong a few posts above. (edited)
Quiz me on the Octatrack!

it doesn’t work well cause i ve the midi feedback…the CC work but the OT have a problem with midi feedback and after a minute all is fucked up.
what can i do?

Try using only midi tracks using the same midi channel as audio tracks (1-8). It avoids feedback.

like audio track 1 on first midi slot with channel 1 - then track 2 on midi slot 2 but always midi channel 1 right?

I don’t understand what you mean by midi slot.
There are audio tracks, midi tracks, midi channels.
You can set audio tracks channels in PROJECT > MIDI > CHANNELS
You can set midi tracks channels in their NOTE SETUP.

If a midi track shares the same midi channel as an audio track, the midi track can’t receive midi, hence no feedback.

If you want to control external midi gear you may need to filter midi data with a midi processor.

midi slot = midi track

so i ve to assign the first midi tracks to the first audio tracks , select a midi channels for controll the OT and then?
if i move to midi tracks 2 and audio tracks 2 to manage audio tracks what, the midi channel change?
"track shares the same midi channel as an audio track…
how i can set the same track and midi channel??

If you want to make it simple for tests :
New project (Default audio tracks default midi channels are 1-8).
Midi Track 1 set to channel 1
CC48 for crossfader.

Sezare56 doesn’t have a “brain” per se, it actually is an Octatrack that became sentient. It can answer all OT questions easily as it’s just talking about itself… :smile:


Not always proud of myself. I’m buggy. :content:


That’s not buggy, that’s called deep personality! :smile: