Question about AED - how to check the current position of the sample playback without scrolling

Hi everyone,
I would like to ask if there is any shortcut that I can preview the current time of a long sample I’m playing on Octatrack?
I know I can display the sample in AED and scroll until I find where the track/cursor is, but that doesn’t work well for long tracks that last several minutes - especially in live gig situations - scrolling takes way too much time. Or maybe I can turn on the display follow the playback point of the sample?
(Sorry for my english!)
Thanks so much.

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There is a toggle for that, but I cant remember what it is, calling @sezare56 do you know?


There is and I feel like it’s something simple like Func + pressing the level encoder to make it follow the playhead


In AED, pushing the LEVEL knob makes the AED waveform display follows the playback position :slight_smile:


Awesome, thank you all!

I‘m a long-time OT user since day 1, but missed that feature. I spent so much time scrolling to the playhead, now not anymore.

This thread/reply was worth logging into the forum after months.

Keep it up.


Used it yesterday !
Trick found recently by @mrcrappypantson, not in manual !

Octatrack Tips & Tricks (OT Tips) - #401 by mrcrappypantson


Correct :slight_smile:
I cannot take any credit for that :slight_smile:
As a side note, I have started to gather (on a notepad) all these kinds of tricks, tips and other useful things about OT that I tend to forget :slight_smile:
Same for the templates I use: I have a couple of these for various uses (sampling, mixing, effects…). Every template is documented as per settings, track functions etc…
I tend to have a visual memory…


Thanks so much guys!

@vasidudu I would love to see this notepad file! <3
I started using Octatrack about a year ago (instead of a laptop with FL Studio for performing live), the first gig with it was, like, a horror show (for me at least), a lot of mistakes and panic, but then I learned to use it - still a lot ahead of me, of course.
Now I’m thinking to abandon the Roland TR8S + analog heat in favor of Digitakt + AH. So probably I need to learn more tricks here :wink:

I will gladly share it :slight_smile: Though right now it is a bit of a mess: partly hand written, partly on a notepad :slight_smile:
But I will :slight_smile:

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My personal notes are disseminated on Elektronauts. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Sometimes hard for me to find what I want to remember, but at least I know I wrote a few useful things for me here ! :content:


I most likely have stolen a few of these for my personal notes :slight_smile:

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The Octatrack tips and tricks thread is a goldmine. Endless learning and discovery in this machine is why it’s my all time favorite. Happy :elot:ing my friends.