Push 3 Users Thread

damn looks like they hired the orkin man over there

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So what’s the verdict on the main jog wheel? Is it supposed to feel the same clickiness as the volume one? (mine doesn’t)

But as I understand it there is currently no advice about how such betas could be used with the standalone version of Push 3.


I don’t have a P3 so no idea. Listing all the P3 fixes in the betas but making users wait for the official release wouldn’t be great…

Pretty sure that’s a semi-private list for those who are signed up to the normal Live beta. I don’t think they’re doing anything wrong by sharing what they’re working on, even if it takes a while to get out there. All things considered I prefer transparency over secrecy. That said, it would be cool if there was an easy way for Standalone users to get on the beta if they are willing to risk it. Hopefully they’ll offer that option at some point. I can understand why they might be hesitant to do that right now though.


There’s a corresponding Max4Live release to improve the Push3/M4L situation here:


Mine arrived yesterday. First impressions: I spent about 45 minutes playing with it after opening the box. Absolutely lovely device. The clip workflow seems great, the hardware feels good, and it doesn’t take a whole lot of screwing around to figure things out if you are familiar with the software.

Fingers crossed that I don’t run into a ton of issues when I sign in and update it later today.


In regards touch strip trouble, finally there is some clarity and provisional good news. A message on Abletons own forum suggests someone got a response from support that its been identified as a bug, and they currently believe it can be fixed via a firmware update, which they are working on.



Yep, I did but thanks for mentioning it regardless. It is something I typically might miss for months because I don’t usually read the manual :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

I should expand on my reasoning for using scale mode instead of chromatic with the Push 3. I did play around with it in chromatic mode for a while, and I don’t really find the Push 3 as useful due to the large pads and the small quantity of pads compared to the LinnStrument. Chord shapes that I have muscle memory for are difficult to make with one hand, and I use the octave button frequently. I’ll get it done with overdubbing probably.

We’ll see if I change my mind, but this is one area where the LinnStrument has a huge advantage. Roger really designed a perfect instrument for chromatic playing imo. As I think I’ve seen mentioned elsewhere, slides are much better on the LinnStrument too. Despite playing around with the sensitivity settings, I cannot get a perfectly smooth slide between pads on the Push 3.

On the other hand, I think the large pads and materials used on the Push 3 make it vastly superior for vibrato, drums, and other per pad MPE expression.

I initially thought I might be able to sell the LinnStrument after buying the Push 3 (or return the Push 3 if I keep the LinnStrument). This is one way I justified buying one, but I might have to keep both :joy:. Capitalism defeats me again.


I may be being dense here but I can’t see how beta changes occur on the Push. Anyone know?

No public beta access for Push standalone so far.

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Given the number of pretty serious bugs in this release and the number of support tickets and returns they likely have to deal with, I would expect them to work around the clock to get a bugfix release out asap, faster than their usual cadence.


I don’t mind waiting. They need to revise and tune the software and hardware up a little bit anyway. I really hate seeing the Tempo over my screen 100% of the time I use it, for example.

The newest beta release sounds like they are already addressing a lot of issues, so I think we are going to see a lot happen over the next 4-6 months. A year from now, the standalone expansion could very well be a viable buy for me, and I bet the CPU options will be better.

One thing about the standalone is you may still want to upgrade the guts when a new CPU comes out anyway.

I will miss this Push though, but I will be ok. I hit my groove with it, and for me it is definitely best right now as a controller and not a standalone solution.


Mine arrives tomorrow as well. I’ve been jamming on Push 2 the last few weeks to catch back up with the Push workflow. Pretty dope. Excited about the P3 standalone.


Its great man. I think you will dig it, just be patient because the bugs are strong in standalone. But even in control mode, this is the best Push I have used by far. It’s super snappy and maps to tons of plugins. I pulled up a random Klevgrand plugin and was able to tweak all of it on the Push. Did not expect that.

For me just being able to trigger clips at will, tweak plugins, trigger Simpler with pads, step sequence, send accurate sync to hardware and record it…its well worth the price. The biggest upgrade to me with Push3 is the MIDI and CV capabilities to be honest.

Also a simple pleasure that I appreciate way more than I expected - hitting the play button on Push instead of spacebar on my laptop. This is huge because I may have other windows open over Live on the laptop and used to have to minimize those and highlight ableton , so I constantly would hit spacebar and nothing would play. That is a thing of the past now and I much appreciate that.


Is there any way to achieve something similar to maschine lock states on P3 standalone?

One would think they would want as many P3 owners to be to test as possible… :woman_shrugging:t2:

It was trivial to get signed up for beta testing of Ableton Live. See here:

I forgot to mention I am talking about the feature where you have clips from different scenes playing together and want to consolidate them into their own scene. . So duplicate doesn’t work for this, I dont think.

The command in Live is “capture and insert scene”. It’s badass because I could have 4-5 hi hat patterns and try different ones with different clips with the press of a button and then when I get a grove going, I can hit that command and everything I selected is in a new row. Not sure what that is on Push, but duplicate just copies the scene I selected.

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No. I have already thought about a few possibilities to have something similar with automation on/off, but needs to be practiced. That and the snappiness of the buttons and GUi is the thing i my the most from the Maschine. With the slower GUI i can live with, but not sure about the buttons, for as trivial that it might seem. The M+ has amazing buttons, and so does the elektron machines. On the P3 they dont inspire a lot of confidence for performance use. They are fine to use in the studio. but in the bigger buttons (for example play buttton) you can feel the spot where the trigger is, and if you press on the side of the button or it doesnt trigger, or it squiches, or you need to press harder. That hard press feeling is just a thing with the P3 and i hope i+ll get used to it. Its still early days for sure - 1,5 day, maybe 6- 7 hours of use. Other than that it is working great, not a lot of bugs and crashes and very powerfull cpu and possibilities - using 44.1, 64 samples. I am using it with the live intro