Project complete backup?

-on Rytm, in Globals, MIDI Port Config, are input and output set to usb only?


-try midimonitor to see if anything’s reaching the computer at all:


-Bad USB cable?


Make sure AR is NOT in Overbridge mode.

Bingo, it was set to Midi only… Thank you :smiley:

It’s working now but how do i know how much time will it take to finish ? It’s pretty slow…

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How frustrating is load every single project that I have to made a backup: If I need to backup everything I will be crazy and lost too much time…

Would be nice to have an option dump the project via sysex without load it in memory in other words directly by the drive, just select the project and dump it!


I just want to reply to those complaining about slow project backups.
It’s only slow if you don’t have your midi in and out set to USB (not usb+midi) in your port settings.
Especially important to watch out for this if you’re backing up multiple projects because each project has its own settings for this saved with the current global settings of the project.
EDIT: sending whole project TO the rytm, however is going super slow for me, is this normal?
EDIT2: next project sent to rytm was fast! I think Turbo somehow got unchecked in C6 for first one. Hopefully that’s all it was!


OK I have another thread about the Transfer app but this question is specifically about backing up. I finally managed to update the OS on my A4 (AR will be next) using Sysex Librarian and now I want to backup my projects, like Elektron tell you to in the OS documentation. The only problem is, they don’t tell you HOW. I hope you’re reading this, Elektron.

I set the A4 to USB and hit Record Many in Sysex Librarian, then did a sysex dump on the A4. Nothing.

Transfer app is seeing the machine, did a sexed dump, nothing. Does it even support this? I have no idea. If not, What’s the point of this app (other than for moving stuff to the machine), surely it’d be useful to have it receive data too?

C6 doesn’t exist - where’s it gone? Never had a problem with C6. How can Transfer “replace” C6 with 50% of the functionality

Downloaded Overbridge and had a look through the documentation. Nothing in there about backing up or sysex dumping.

If backing up is so important, according to elektron, why is it so difficult?

Any help gratefully received

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Backing up my AR2 is always fast.

It’s really buried now. Had to do a search for C6 earlier for someone else and found it on the Analog Drive support page (second link down):

I hope it isn’t being killed off completely without a decent replacement out there and/or that this is the last thing left after purging all links to C6 :grimacing:


It’s very frustrating, having to find a solution to something that should be easy to do. I love Elektron products, I got my first MD in 2003 so you could say I’m an early adopter, but this backup issue leaves me with a cold feeling towards the company.

Just a heads up, C6 is not compatible with Big Sur 11.0.1


I don’t think many non-Apple things are right now :joy: (Overbridge being the other biggie)


i honestly care about getting simple “select projects for backup” and “backup all projects” functions in Transfer about a hundred times more than I care about a new flagship product


Switch 3. and 4.!

Receive must be active before sending.

Also make sure your DAW is closed. No other app should be connected to AR in any way…


so as of now there is actually absolutely no way to backup my Analog Rytm?
How can this be?

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Yup - proper backup of projects on DT and RYTM is my #1 request :smiley:
Imagine being able to load an ableton file with OB-total recall and the samples are included too.
Imagine being able to just safely KNOW your project was backed up including all samples by seeing it in a folder on your computer :frowning:

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I’ve tried total recall but had too many troubles so im not using it anymore, i really wish there was a simple way to make backup.


So there is no way to back up Full Projects (and samples) in Rytm mk1 ??
I thought with the updated apps( transfer & overbridge) that was possible…

Well, I’ve been wondering as well about how to make complete backups with samples.
From my tests, a project will simply try to load samples in the project by their path and names.
So if you just put the same samples at the same place it will retrieve the samples.
You can simply make a full backup of the root sample folder and save it on the computer with a full backup of the projects in the same folder. So if you start with an “empty” machine you can just copy the samples + projects and it will work. Am I right ?

I wish Elektron would address this.