Project complete backup?

Just a heads up, C6 is not compatible with Big Sur 11.0.1


I don’t think many non-Apple things are right now :joy: (Overbridge being the other biggie)


i honestly care about getting simple “select projects for backup” and “backup all projects” functions in Transfer about a hundred times more than I care about a new flagship product


Switch 3. and 4.!

Receive must be active before sending.

Also make sure your DAW is closed. No other app should be connected to AR in any way…


so as of now there is actually absolutely no way to backup my Analog Rytm?
How can this be?

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Yup - proper backup of projects on DT and RYTM is my #1 request :smiley:
Imagine being able to load an ableton file with OB-total recall and the samples are included too.
Imagine being able to just safely KNOW your project was backed up including all samples by seeing it in a folder on your computer :frowning:

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I’ve tried total recall but had too many troubles so im not using it anymore, i really wish there was a simple way to make backup.


So there is no way to back up Full Projects (and samples) in Rytm mk1 ??
I thought with the updated apps( transfer & overbridge) that was possible…

Well, I’ve been wondering as well about how to make complete backups with samples.
From my tests, a project will simply try to load samples in the project by their path and names.
So if you just put the same samples at the same place it will retrieve the samples.
You can simply make a full backup of the root sample folder and save it on the computer with a full backup of the projects in the same folder. So if you start with an “empty” machine you can just copy the samples + projects and it will work. Am I right ?

I wish Elektron would address this.

99% of my Rytm samples are trash.

Very quiet around Elektron for some time now. Big updates are coming is my guess. The timespan indicates they’re gonna be big!

Digitakt is already saving used samples with projects, right?

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Sold my Rytm but really would like to backup some Projects including samples in case I ever buy another one. So I would have to backup my projects via Transfer and then note which samples were assigned to which slot in +Drive in a project. Is that all? Are all the settings I made to the sample stored with the project file and I would just replicate sample assignment on a new AR after copying my old projects to it?


Sorry to be redundant, but…

Really is there not a way to just backup total machine state with project and samples in just one operation with transfer?

I don’t think so.
I could be wrong.
Project back up on the RYTM is it’s Achilles Heal.

I need to practice more back ups with it and completely understand how it works.


i am also on the search of a complete memory back up on the rytm.
is there really no simple way?

I think this is the next thing Elektron should focus on for its flagship models. I think it’s a critical issue.

I’d never be able to replicate all of my sound pack/sample locations within my machine if it went down in its current form.

My backup approach is:
\ create a folder called Rytm with subfolders named Samples, Projects, and Sounds
\ fire up the Transfer app and select the Explore tab
\ on the left hand side, navigate to my Samples subfolder on my computer
\ on the right hand side, select Samples
\ select all the samples on the right hand side and drag them to the left hand side
\ do the same for Projects and Sounds

I also back up the Rytm folder on my computer to a second source…just to be sure.

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