I just received my factory new MM in the mail today and I noticed that some of the LEDs are not all on the same level. (some are a bit higher than others)
I have no reference point - wondering if this is how they all look?
Please study the “SCALE SETUP” leds in this picture
I just checked and my MD has the same thing, with the 3rd led higher than the others (instead of the 1st like yours). Mind you, I bought my MD 2nd hand and is quite a few years old; I didn’t notice any uneven leds on my MnM, A4, or OT.
That’s not right. They should all be the same level as the highest one. Just checked mine and they are all the same. I’d contact the dealer and get a new one.
Mine are all level, OT and MnM. Although now I’m paranoid because something tiny tinkles and rattles around inside my MnM. Never been dropped or even jostled o.O
In the photo that stratGAME posted, it’s normal for the LED indicating the currently active track to be much brighter than the others. If you press the button next to one of the other LEDs, I hope the situation changes…
that’s not how it should look … i had a similar problem with a couple of LEDs in the pages section but my warranty had expired already when i noticed it and decided it was not going to be a major issue…get your MnM back to the shop and get it changed/fixed or ask the hq how to handle it (you may need to send it back though).
My MnM is under warranty. It is definitely not a screw, it’s something tiny and plastic. I did say “tinkles” though, which can definitely be interpreted as a more a metallic sound.
I’m not spending $25 to send it in for Alex to open it up for that. If something does go wrong, well, it’s under warranty
The LEDs on both my MnM and MD are all even height.
Maybe somebody with knowledge, or Elektron for that matter, could confirm if there is any potential problem stemming from or having to do with uneven LEDs. May not be an issue at all, and you do want to start using your MNM right away!
the main problem could simply be that the LED hasn’t been properly soldered (thus coming a bit more out than the others). dunno who does the soldering in the HQ … if there’re humans with a soldering iron in their hands doing the job, well, then this could potentially happen…machines won’t probably have issues with LEDs
it should be an easy one to fix but if you don’t have soldering skills or don’t feel like, then i suggest you bring it back to the store to get it fixed or back to HQ (but that would cost you a bit…) you don’t want to void your warranty right?
the black plastic things you see between the LEDs and the board are used to keep them at the proper distance from the board, perhaps the one on your MnM hasn’t been properly trimmed
My MnM is under warranty. It is definitely not a screw, it’s something tiny and plastic. I did say “tinkles” though, which can definitely be interpreted as a more a metallic sound.
I’m not spending $25 to send it in for Alex to open it up for that. If something does go wrong, well, it’s under warranty [/quote]
…could be one of the connectors within the box…as long as it works, there shouldn’t be issues - is it something that ‘moves’ from one side to the other within the enclosure?
Rattles from side to side as I tilt it. It’s pretty faint, so not something large either. I didn’t even notice it until I was putting it into the two-tier stand I got from Neil Baldwin.
Interesting to hear as mine does this , bought brand new last year , I noticed it when I lifted it out of the box , but was unsure what to do about it , I think I convinced myself it was nothing serious …
One of the most exciting aspects of using my Monomachine is the constant possibility of being cut by it. There was not a lot of deburring going on in the early days of Elektron.
Felt it was humorous to grab a pic from your website >.> Points to anyone that hears the guitar intro to Michael Jackson’s Beat It lol, and double points if you hear a SID/8-bit playing it!