Polyend Tracker Mini

I really like SunVox as a software tracker


Again i ask, how is it better than this?


I wouldn’t be embarrassed to get the Tracker Mini out in public for one thing


Hahah. Well any instrument out in public in the park is pretty embarrassing imho. :crazy_face: unless you’re playing for tips or playing live for the people.

Enjoy the park. Get off the device i always say. :heartpulse:


Agreed, i have a hard time using OP-1 ot OP-Z as Well…

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Different things, this isn’t a tracker (actually the sequencer on this looks like a nightmare)


Just in this thread, I’ve seen multiple comments like this about the M8’s availability, and I’m somewhat puzzled. M8 has had multiple preorders every year it’s been out (including one currently), and it’s not hard to stay informed about through the email list and/or Discord.



Yeah I watched a Smpltrek few reviews, and putting a piano roll on that microscopic 1.5" screen just made me sad.

Being “a tracker” is definitely a distinct category, and all that comes with it

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That isn’t quite the same as being able to buy something from your local music shop on ‘next day’ as an impulse buy at any time you feel like it…I’m sure that how most music gadgets are bought (and subsequently sold!) but maybe I am just projecting!

Because I want to support big brand name resellers rather than indie hardware manufacturers who do direct to consumer, duh.

If I can’t buy it in Guitar Center then it’s dead to me. /s


Each to their own, but I think the Smpltrek looks toylike and has a horrible screen.

One of the big plusses of the PT is that it’s a lovely tactile object. I get pleasure just from looking at it and interacting with it.

It really is a toy, I tried one and was not really cool with that ultra little screen, something like ES Disting and those kind.

I have the original Tracker and M8 and this is a great idea, because the Tracker workflow is cool and easy, but still lacks lots of functionality, let’s see now in the YT live video.


Starting now:

Edit: was just another random teaser. Wait for the deluge of synthfluencer videos. Incoming!

This is a fortune waiting to made. Buy up old laptops with CDRW drives, install a custom OS with a tracker, disable all audio outputs except the built in speakers and seal up the power connector. After you burn your track to CD, it bricks the device. That’ll be £1199, please. You also get some stickers.

On-topic, as a Tracker owner who also has an iPad, I can’t get excited about this one. I still like the Tracker, but admittedly all I do is arse around on it. Performance mode on the pads, the big wheel and the clacks buttons are my favourite features, so the Mini is at an immediate disadvantage. The initial hype here hasn’t really panned out, but at least it was over quickly. Anyway, I like Polyend and I like trackers, so I hope it works out and allows them to make something else, ideally with two big wheels.


The only synth I’ve ever seen in my local GC was a Timbrewolf :expressionless:


I don’t hate the idea, I loved my tracker.

However, what were they thinking with this button layout? That DPad… woof!

There have been years and years of ergonomic design around game controllers and interfaces, and I have never seen a middle button for the dpad.

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From the Benn J video


Stereo sample support!!! Ooh. Polyend website has totally crashed btw

Pre-orders are open again for the M8, but to be fair I can understand why some people are not into pre-ordering things. I often want to buy spontaneously and have it in my hand straight away!

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