I’m thinking about a +Drive update for my MD.
Has anyone managed to do it by him/herself without sending the unit to Elektron HQ?
There is a recent (within the last few months) forum thread with detailed pictures of the process.
If you find it, maybe post a link here.
cant sleep.
Hi guys, but where you can buy a +drive?
From the other thread pictures seems quite a simple operation to do.
Thank you.
found here… http://www.sonux.it/shop/product_info.php?products_id=1392
I really want to do this too.
Found this thread: http://www.elektron-users.com/index.php?option=com_fireboard&Itemid=2&func=view&id=180764&catid=9&limit=10&limitstart=0
man thats expensive!!
man thats expensive!!
Looks like my post was linked already. The process was really simple especially if you have basic experience with fumbling around inside a desktop computer or laptop. Don’t force off anything and make sure you look for any wires or screws still holding anything down. You should not need to put much effort into taking any of the boards off. If you find yourself in that situation then double check for more screws or something else blocking. This is NOT like a most cell phones or other various consumer electronics that require you to forcefully pry apart certain areas of the case (I’m looking at you PS3). I hope my pictures give a good guide on what parts are meant to be removed. Let me know if you have questions.
That all being said. My only issue was a screw on the top main board that screws directly into an extension piece which then screws into the bottom part of the case, got stuck in the extension part. Once that unscrewed from the case then I got the controller board off fine but with this long metal part hanging off which took some force to get the screw out. Part of the control board was grinding but only where the screw is. Anyone who has built a computer before knows that PCB’s always have a non functioning area where the screws go and this area being damaged does not effect the board function as long as it doesn’t crack or go beyond that area. I’m sure I just scared a few of you but really I consider it a minor issue and it will not affect the function or longevity of the unit.
If you guys want the +Drive cheap, try eBay. It is rare but I do see them pass through from time to time which is why I had to jump on that one.
Is the +Drive a bespoke drive manufactured by Elektron?
The one I got from eBay matches all pictures I have found anywhere else for official Elektron +Drives. Same board layout, logo font and positions, model numbers and placements, circuit board traces etc. The bag it came in looked like it may have been sitting in a draw for a while unused. Otherwise it was in perfect condition and looked as official as ever. If someone is making knock off +Drives then I feel like there would be a lot more of them available.
There doesn’t seem to be much to them, I’m kind of surprised there isn’t a clone yet. Probably not much demand.
I bump the topic maybe but is it possible to install a +drive coming from an MD into a MnM ?
This is all speculation on my part so take it for what it is worth.
Mine was advertised as for MD and MnM but came with the MD samples pre-loaded. I saw some talks on the old elektron-users forum about using the same +Drive in either unit and they were saying it will work but I don’t remember seeing an update on if it worked.
I feel like the architecture between the two units is the same in the regard for kits and how memory is managed and I do believe it is the same +Drive for either. If you do end up with a +Drive that has the MD snapshots pre-loaded, I have no idea how an MnM will handle this. I would say not well. If it does boot up fine then just simply formatting the +Drive should be enough to make it usable on an MnM. However I would suggest contacting Elektron first. Maybe install it in an MD, format, then install in the MnM. But my MD did some sort of updating when the +Drive was installed. Does this revert back once the +Drive is missing? I don’t know.
When I can buy it directly from Elektron?
The other day I tried to ask one of the dealers who appear in the list,
if I could buy one, and he said yes…
only that the price has gone up 560 euro…
So why the Elektron does not give us the chance to buy it from them and that’s it?
The standard +Drive upgrade is available direct from Elektron for 360 Euros. However you must send your unit to an authorized shop or direct to Elektron for this upgrade but that is all included in the price. If anyone is charging you 560 Euros then they are ripping you off.
I do wish Elektron would sell a self upgrade kit direct to customers at a reduced price.
Indeed, that would be really great for out of warranty gear people that have also a bit of knowledge with electronic devices stuff.
only that the price has gone up 560 euro
That’s a fucking scam. You ought to report it to Elektron. I agree that they should offer DIY kits to people who are out of warranty and willing to accept the risk (which could be via ticking a box on the order form saying ‘I realize that I will be responsible for any repair costs I may incur if I mess this up.’
Got reply about this topic from support:
We do not sell the +Drive as a spare part since there needs to be some flashing and testing of the unit together with the +Drive when it’s installed.