Play on scales without computer

The Key Control from Artificial Noise is a midi mapper that takes a standard Keyboard Midi Controller and maps the C scale (the white keys) to any key and any scale mode, and then the black keys are mapped to chords in that key and scale mode. It’s got plenty of short comings, in my opinion (like the Key dial should have been in cycle of fifths), but for what it is it seems pretty reasonable.

A second also for William WILD’s suggest of the Irijule Theoryboard, which is not released yet, and only available from pre-order like on Kickstarter. I got one on order.

ADDED December 1, 2020: They changed its operation so you can now use it to change key and scale from sequencers and arpeggjator outputs, and changed a few of the lesser used scales to more common ones. They also lowered the price quite a lot too. Looks like a much nicer product now.


This is brillant! A bit expensive, but brillant! Will check if I find one used.

Edit: yeah not able to find one used, also it’s costly at almost 275 dollars. I might opt for the Novation Launchpad Pro which does a bunch of other things!

I HIGHLY recommend the Launchpad Pro. One of the best purchases I ever made. Kept it over my Push 2 simply for it’s light weight, versatility, and the excellent scripts people make for it. @fenixsong has awesome scripts that can be used with Digitakt and Ableton that I highly recommend checking out.


Cool! Is there a topic/website for those scripts?

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Sure is! DigiPAD - Launchpad Pro for Digitakt and synths

Also check out Arsenal LPP by Native Kontrol (YouTube it). They got awesome scripts that give the LPP Push-Like features and then some.


Another option is the Korg Electribe 2, which allows you to select scales and root notes.

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Thanks! I don’t need another sampler, and I’d rather have more pads/keys to make BIG SOLOS, but it’s nice to list any option as others might be interested! :slightly_smiling_face:

This might be controversial, but have you tried learning the scales? It’s not rocket science, just start by learning one and then another when you need to.


I know some of them theoretically and I have a good ear. Unfortunately I lacked discipline in my younger years (I’m over 30) and now I’ve got some nerve damage so I can’t train a lot (i.e. on a piano). I do try to pick up piano with a teacher tho, but won’t be Glenn Gould anytime soon :sweat_smile:

The circuit is well built, just test one in the store.

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…oh, yes i forgot the kordbot of course…might do all the trick, i guess…

and yesh, u can transpose the actual track content in the a4 always with the transpose button kept pressed and by switching the rootnotes on the little keyboard layout within the machine directly…

no need to become glenn gould…

Good to know!

For those who own the Launchpad Pro, is there an option to just show scales in chromatic mode, like on the push (meaning all notes are playable and only those in scale are lit up)? Asking because I sometimes like to wander off-scale.

Yes. Launchpad Pro does chromatic as well as scales in Standalone mode.

In both modes it can be transposed to any root note, and the octave shifts cover the full MIDI range.

Also, it works Standalone sending MIDI both to the DIN-via-adapter port and the USB port.

The pad sensitivity is adjustable in three levels. Also it does after touch, channel or per note.

The thing is a powerhouse! I love mine and often perform with it as my main “keyboard”. No


The price went up fairly recently on the Key Control. I’d contact them and negotiate if you are interested – especially as they are made to order. They could also have some returned units that they can’t sell as new.

Off Topic, Side Note

Artificial Noise also just released a new version of their Cimmerian Caves product, an Echo / Chorus / Vibrato + Fuzz Effect box. It’s a pretty spacy effects box, but strangely it doesn’t seem to be midi controllable?

Just bought a Novation Launchpad Pro :star_struck:

Although still interested by the other one. I’ll contact them. What was the preorder price?

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Wasn’t pre-order, the old price was $199 USD, i don’t recall if there was a shipping fee.

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Wow… that’s surprisingly high! For less than that you can have a Raspberry Pi, a PiSound, and a case… And not only can it transpose and restrict to a scale… It handles both DIN and USB MIDI… And it can be your full audio effects box at the same time… Infinitely flexible, but you do need to build you patches in Puredata or SuperCollider or other Linux Sw.


I had been thinking similarly, mzero, though you supplied the finishing touch to the idea with using the Raspberry Pi, i had been thinking about an old fashioned Arduino. You would have to add the chord function to the black keys, and maybe the specific choice of modes.

Perhaps an external foot pedal control – right for key up a fifth, left for key down a fifth, or something.

An arpeggiator function in midi from the black keys would be nice.

Okay so the Launchpad pro is pretty good (nice pad sensitivity!) but the scale mode is a little less good than the one on the Push, at first glance:


  • scale mode is activated and there’s no way to get out of scale
  • scale mode is not activated (basic note mode) and what’s shown is a major scale of which you can only change the root note. You can do what you want in this mode but you can’t select a mixolydian or blues or whatever.

I’ll get back to it tomorrow, I start being tired :sleeping:

Maybe I’ll learn Puredata first to see how complex it is to make a patch before buying a PiSound. I do have an old Raspberry so that might be a solution :slight_smile: