Performances and Scenes: which parameters do you use?

Which parameters do you use for this?

The obvious (to me) are global delay, reverb, distortion.

I would love to be able to alter filter freq. and res for all tracks instead of having to go into each tracks filter page when setting this up.

I tried using a scene to change note values, but that seemed to be to abrupt and weird sounding - maybe that kind of change should go into patterns instead.

What techniques do you use with performance and scenes?


Changing the sample number is fun for both. In performance you can cycle through samples with the pressure of pad while scene I may do this to completely change all the samples in my pattern which gives nice variation.

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cool idea. noted :+1:

“The obvious (to me) are global delay, reverb, distortion.”

Wait… is there a parameter for global delay and reverb? Right now I have gone into each track and set reverb and delay up which is a pain in the ass since I’m switching sounds all the time… if you’re solving this problem for me I’m going to love you for eternity.

Yes there is. Use the fx button at the top left. And there you have them :slight_smile:
Of course you need to set the individual sends to a noticeable (high) level for your tracks, but that could be a one-off. Then the default global settings can be 0 (or very low) to have no effect and then use it in scenes or performances.

Ah, I misunderstood you.

Then I’m stuck with the same problem. But thanks anyway!

global delay and reverb was what I was looking for, and I found it by using the strom ipad app.

I am experimenting and new to this thing… and have the feeling I was successful with perf. mode:
[li]Turning down volume of kick synth… and at the same perf pad a kick from the sampler reversed.[/li]
[li]open decay hh[/li]
[li]open delay send (and decay delay) to snare[/li]
[li]filter + volume on noise sound, to create whitenoisefilter[/li]