Paraphonic Mode for A4/AK?

Is this possible?? If I could only see one more feature implemented, it would be this. It’d be amazing to have a 4-voice (or even 2 if the sub oscillators are hard-wired) paraphinic mode you could use for one voice/track; people who like to compose entire tracks using only the four voices of the A4/AK would especially appreciate this.

What do you mean with Paraphonic???

AF has already a Polyphonic mode…that it’s very flexible, but i believe you were not speaking about this, isn’t it?

I guess what Prints is after is having the two oscillators of one track being played separetely (first keypress triggers the first one, second the other). You can’t do this when playing live, but as usual you could alway plock them in the sequencer.


The new Waldorf Pulse 2 monosynth is an example of a modern paraphonic synth where you can choose 4 or 8 mode voice paraphonic behavior. The paraphonic modes sound really cheesy and great if that’s what you are after.

Oh i see…thanks for making it clear…first time i hear Paraphonic =)

It technically already is with the sub oscillator @ a 5th tuning and both oscillators of a single patch tuned to create a triad or am I missing something ?

It technically already is with the sub oscillator @ a 5th tuning and both oscillators of a single patch tuned to create a triad or am I missing something ?[/quote]
I guess the point is being to be able to play the oscillators independently using the keyboard or by locking multiple notes on a trig.

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Yeah, for playing live instead of p-locking. What I mean is the ability to take only one of the four voices/tracks, and have it become a 4-note-poly, single oscillator sound that share the same envelope and filter. This would allow much more flexibility than p-locking; any type of four note chord could be played, and the notes wouldn’t necessarily need to be triggered at the same time… basically, what the Waldorf Pulse 2, or the Volca Keys offers.

Only Elektron would know for sure but I don’t see how it would be possible to do anything more than individually tune the Oscillators to play a chord. Any more than that and it’s going to need to borrow a voice from another channel, because I think the Oscillator stage is summed per channel before it hits the filter and amp. I suppose it might be possible to implement a paraphonic mode the way the Pulse 2 and Volka Keys do, which is limited to a divide down PWM wave, but I don’t think it’s likely given that it already has fully polyphony.

I think a lot of people like to use the A4/AK to create whole tracks inside the box. It’d really help to be able to do something like use one track for percussion, one for bass, one for lead, and the last one do some paraphonic stuff. Maybe be able to use two tracks to do 8-note paraphonic stuff while the last 2 voices are left to do a unison sound… idk, just sounds like it could be a really cool feature; I’d use the Hell out of it.

Old topic but I think we can emulate paraphony controlling OSC 1 and OSC 2 with a midi processor like Event Processor +, modifying notes to CCs 16 / 48 in order to control independently the OScs.
If somedy is interested in, I can try it.

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Ok I succeeded to play 2 different notes with one voice, using a midi keyboard, Midipal and Event Processor Plus.
Now I have to make it 8 notes with 4 voices…


It works ! I have 8 different oscs with 4 voices. Really great pads ! :heart_eyes:

It was quite hard to program with EP+ it but it is doable with an update, as I only use midi. :no_mouth:

I split 8 notes to 8 midi channel with midipal, channel 1-2 are for voice 1, 3-4 voice 2, etc…
I convert note on to CC Waveform 0, note off to CC Waveform Off, note numbers to CC coarse tune of OSC1 for even midi channels, OSC2 for odd channels…:relieved::sleeping:


That’s cool. I think Elektron should unleash the potential so you can do it from the box.


Yes that’d be great. 4 notes per voice would be fantastic.
A least one Sub OSC could be used I think.

I didn’t find how to use Sub OSC because OSC1 and 2 coarse tuning in related to a note, so I use only one note to refer.
I don’t know why I can’t record this too…

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Actually I can record it but I have to press twice stop and then play to hear it.
Any explanation ?

I need to hear this and see it please

No problem, come to see me in France !

I wanted to make a video for OT slices external midi control before and I’ll be busy, but I’d like to share the things I can do with midi processors when there’s a lack of functionality in a midi gear.

I thought subs were independent but they aren’t.
I don’t understand why they chose 5th instead of 4th for subs. Have to transpose coarse tune - 5 or +7 to have a 5th.

Quick demo with 8 Oscs.