Poly rotate with shared filter and env


Is it possible to set up A4 so that it functions as a paraphonic synth with round robin triggering of individually configured oscs but sharing filter and envelopes?

Exactly like he explains in this video at 7:00 min mark:

I have played around with poly config rotate, use trk sounds, and neighbour tracks but i never get it to work like in the video.

With rotate and use trk sounds it triggers the tracks round robin style but with individual filters and envs. I want shared filters and envs.


No, the tracks have their own filters. You could choose to not engage the filter envelope at all and only do it manually. that way you could emulate the paraphony. But the Pro3 has a unique sound regarding this indeed.

you could assign all 4 filters’ params to 1 performance macro each - then all filters will act as same, essentially giving you ‘1’ filter for all 4 sounds. i’d recommend setting this up via OB to save you some sanity though…

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You can inject the previous oscillator output into the next track(s). Try that and see if it opens up interesting possibilities. It will reduce the flexibility to one is per voice (as one becomes pass through. Not tried, might be interesting nonetheless.

Or do something droney across all voices and use CV envelopes to control the combined osc output. Feed CV back into external expression in and do some mod mapping . Then play around on CV track, again there are obvious restrictions, but with some experiments you may find a satisfying and unique mode

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I don’t really get the benefits of shared filter of envelope but why not. @avantronica idea of using neighbors “osc” should work, filter + envelope on track 4 (active track).

With midi processors you can get 8 paraphonic voices, if interested, which I doubt. Apparently most people are afraid of midi processors.

Paraphonic Mode for A4/AK?

garf ´s suggestion with performance macros solves it!

It gives me what i want and then some :slight_smile:

For instance one can have different “hardcoded” offsets on filters and envs. Or let them be individually modulated by LFO´s but controlled as one. Mind blown!

Never got neighbour tracks to do exactly what i wanted.

Iva had this box for some 5-6 years now and it still blows me away!


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Doesn’t solve envelope desire but if you’re happy with that. :content:
I have a template for all tracks control.
A Filter 1 / F Filter 2
B Res 1 / G Res 2
C Env Filter / H Overdrive
D Env Decay / I whatever
E Delay send / J Rev send

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Yes i can map the envelopes to macros as well.

First set all enevelope parameters on 0 on all tracks.
Then map attack for all tracks on one macro knob, decay for all tracks on another macro knob etc etc.

Lots of fiddling but it works!

As for benefits of shared filters and envelopes just listen to the pro 3 demo in my first post :slight_smile:
As he puts it: “Thats dope!”

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it’s less fiddly with OB – right-click each param and use the Performance destinations…

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Ah nice, maybe this will get me to finally install OB :slight_smile:

Create a battery of different interesting setups and templates for this :+1:

This is the first time i touch performance macros.

same here, tbh. your question seemed like a good excuse to mess about with them.