P-locking the arpeggiator

On the Octatrack I am able to P-lock the on off parameter and all the parameters on a Trig or several trigs, but when I try to do that on A4 nothing happens, the values in the Arp screen is locked

Is that normal?

Yeah I think it’s normal. You can p-lock the note2, note3 and note4 parameters though.

Being able to p-lock the arpeggiator type parameter would be super awesome…

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WTF? Ok thanks , I just figured that the arpeggiator whas the same as on the Octatrack.

Yea, its a shame that the ARP parameters are not lockable.

Though, you can fake the ON OFF by locking the NOTE at very short values to mimic OFF for ARP.


I hope it will become lockable. I plock the arp on the OT for the A4, drum machines etc. and it is a very nice feature, yields all kinds of interesting textures.

just ran into this now on mi A4.
fuk :frowning:


Got an A4 today and I ran into this issue in the 1st 20mins of playing with it. Locking the arp on and off is something I use a lot on the Octatrack. It’s not the biggest deal breaker but it’s a feature I will no doubt miss.

The workaround is to keep on using Ot’s arp. :slight_smile:


jeay elektron please make it possible!

Maybe it will be possible on the MK2, with their premium coded arp. That’s why it’s bigger- to fit that massive arp in there.


Ugh. I thought this was the case. I started on my live set last night and not being able to p-lock the arp is a bitch. Haha.

Elektron needs to listen to the arp plockers !


An 'arp’s a lot like a piano frame stuck on end, after all…

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Arpeggiator Plocking please!! Would be awesome to be able to have different arpeg speeds and modes in the same pattern. My FLXS1 sequencer does it and it’s very cool for creating insane melodies. Would be so nice on the A4 too! It would also allow for easy racheting too.


Still no p-locks on the a4?

this is my first elektron and that seems to be the only thing it is missing :frowning:

Just bought Analog four and i love it, but :
please P-locks for ARP parameters (mod, spd, rng) AND live recording arpeggiator parameters is a must have.


Yes, I would love to be able to p-lock on/off, speed, and octave range! This seems like a common request so I wonder if there is a technical limitation

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I love that Elektron continues to evolve and add featuers to my Mk1 Four and Rytm. But I have to admit that with each release the one thing I check is if they’ve added P-locking to the sequencer. This would put the Analog in a new category of music idea creation, in my opinion. Elektron, please consider adding this!!!


Yup, same here! I always hope that the A4 gets this, similar to the OT’s arp.

Yes, p-lock for Arp “menu” and Midi Out Arp aswell, then they are perfect ! :wink: