Oxi One Hardware Sequencer

Thanks you’ve put a very clear picture in my head. However I’m finding it difficult to put the oxi names onto that picture because on the one hand a sequence appears to be a track, but on the other hand a sequence can actually be 8-tracks.

I’m finding the Oxi way of naming things getting in the way of my understanding.

Yeah nomenclature is a little confusing at first.

I think they tried to get the most out of their UI.
Sometimes you’d want a mono sequencer, but with as much visualization and control as possible, sometimes you’d want good visual representation and editing of chords, sometimes deep editing for poly sequences and sometimes all you’d need are basic sequencer functions for drum sequencing.

Having the ability to use one sequence to output eight different mono sequences is pretty cool for drum sequencing!

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So, reading this, an oxi ‘part’ is an elektron ‘page’ presumably ?

Indeed, it is.

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Yes, seems analogous to what Korg have done with the SQ-64.

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So, this has been expressed in an odd fashion to me, but it seems that an Oxi pattern is the same thing as an elektron pattern, that is, it is the sequence of notes (and CCs, velocities, etc) of all 4 “tracks” (allowing that some are multi-tracks) ?

Quick comment: Oxi can handle 128 steps now.

Sorry for the confusion, it is tricky to compare to other gear but it’s more simple than it looks. Let me try :slight_smile:

You can think as Oxi having up to 4 sequencers, better than sequences. Each of those sequencers can be set to any of the modes available (mono, poly, multi, chord and more to come). Each mode defines how many tracks and voices you can sequence and in which depth and performance.


Yes, I think I would have been much less confused if you had used “sequencer” for the thing you’re describing instead of “sequence” … sequence suggests to me a succession of events in time, which does not correspond to the way it was explained to me today. I think I have the right mental picture now. Thanks.


Hi, depending on the selected mode of every “sequencer”, the steps will contain different information.
You can read all the info here https://oxiinstruments.com/product

Hi, thanks for the feedback. I have had that in mind for a while, and I agree it would be useful especially in song mode.
I’ll take note of it but I can’t promise it will be implemented in the delivered firmware version.
However you have workarounds such as edit, copy and paste from one sequencer to another. You can even copy a mono sequencer into a single track of the multimode sequencer once you have the melody/pattern defined (only 64 first steps will be copied along with one CC, but this would work for most of the cases). I guess we all agree that we don’t need the same level of playability for all instruments.

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Still a little confused on this but those deep dive videos that showcase the features this sequencer looks pretty fun to use.

The key to understanding it for me was to drop the idea that a “sequence” was a sequence of notes (every time you see it, replace it with “sequencer”, if that helps). Then the closest thing to an oxi “sequencer” in elektron terms is a track … except that in oxi terms a “sequencer” might also be multiple oxi “tracks”.


More like a Roland mc 101 where a track can be a 16 drum sequencer. I get the “thing” but as a dyslexic it’s a bit tricky lol to hold onto …

This sequencer looks like a lot more fun and interesting version of the deluge as far as writing goes…


Turns out I’m not the only one who’s confused

Me Too … see above … and got some answers, which I think made it a little more clear to me …

I had to meditate a little over this, compare with the specs and it made sense. This little box is very interesting and capable …

They definitely need to go back to their text work and do an editorial overhaul :wink:


I just did the ‘pay 1E’ thing to reserve the price on your web site but have had no email/conformation or anything- should I have had one?

Hi, yes, you should have one. PM your email to check.


This has caught my attention. Above all else I’m interested in the chord mode. I’m finally starting to tire of the false promise of the KordBot, which plays lovely chords and offers nice velocity randomisation/inversions/additions, but has such a horrible interface and an unfinished sequencer.

Going to watch some videos and make up my mind. May be ordering soon.

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Here’s a little showcase of motion recording at work. Hope you enjoy it!


We have put a lot of focus towards the chord mode and we are VERY happy with the result. Its playability is something we will try to showcase better in upcoming videos, but it is something you should try by yourself too :slight_smile:

Strum and arpeggiated chords are in the box too!
We are planning to add manual strum in upcoming updates.