Overbridge virus control

Hey friends,
Since I installed the virus control Software My overbridge is not working anymore. My analog keys does not communicate with my computer or Ableton. Any ideas. Greez. Hans

Update.: If I turn off the virus the AK communicates with computer again. Does anyone knows how I can run both devices (AK and Virus TI2) simultaneously?

Previously on Elektronauts:


One of the big disapointments. Mr. Kemper and his Access Company dont touch their USB solution since -2017… you can read in the community about the trouble with that. I decided to use my virus ti only with midi. I have given up trying to solve the troubles i ve had. The much more proffessional electron guys did an real better job. They needed time, but it’s worth waiting. The access solution was made by an extern company and they dont do any progress with this. The ti sound really good and i like him. The USB support for OSX is also terrible. No one of my Machines is doing so much trouble with connectivity… Access is looking for DSP Programmers. we will see whether it‘s for guitars or synths. Don‘t be angry, stay healthy and make music without total integration :wink:

thank you so much for your explanation! seems like u saved a lot of my time trying to fix that.

Yeah, I bought my TI2 with the knowledge that Total Integration means good old MIDI and Audio Cables. I still think the synth is worth every penny I spent.

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I have not tried it, but if you only need USB MIDI some clever dude reengineered that and wrote an unofficial USB driver… can be found in the access forum:


Unfortunately you need the Apple Developer software to compile it on your Mac, if someone had a Developer certificate he could make it available for everyone.