Overbridge latency vs audio interface

Hi there, I’m using a cirklon to clock all of my hardware, ableton is being used to multitrack record with no midi clock whatsoever.

An antelope zen tour is handling all of my audio recording, except for a digitakt in which I’m trying to multitrack with the overbridge plungin.

All tracks are being monitored through ableton.

The problem im having with is that the overbridge plugin is adding quite a bit of latency to the digitakt tracks, which is making it out of time with the rest of my channels coming through the zen tour.

Right now I’ve been able to delay all of the cirklon tracks except the digitakt and get them back into time, but with added monitor delay.

Is there any way to line up Overbridge audio interface and my zen tour from within elektrons or abletons software? Thank you.

I had an issue with the Digitakt specifically having more latency than other devices - post here, might be helpful, probably not.

Not sure if I’ve quite solved it 100% yet, but rejigging my USB set-up did reduce latency on the Digitakt.

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Sadly the answer is “no”. The point is that you will never be able to get a reliable sync between audio via USB (Overbridge) and audio coming through your audio interface. It has to do with priorization of processes in computer systems.
The only solution is to choose one OR another. Imho the best way is to get an external clock (i. e. ERM multiclock) and multitrack everything via your audio interface. Overbridge will only help if you multitrack Overbridge-enabled devices ONLY.

Please note that this has nothing to do with the audio device itself (I. e. Digitakt or whatever). Delaying all your “Cirklon tracks” might help in one recording session, but the next time you’ll turn on your system, the right amount of delay will probably differ and everything will be out of sync again.
I strongly suggest to save yourself some time and nerves with trying to solve the issue with these workarounds. It will drive you crazy believe me :smiley:


I have the same experience with AR and Ableton on Win 10. Did try extensively though with an older version of OB. Always a slight offset, no matter what i do.

Elektron does clearly warn not to record via OB and another interface at the same time. It s a pity but it s the way it is.

So if you have to record this way you could manually align the recordings after the fact, though that could become quite tedious.

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Shame that recording via OB plugin is not recommended if another interface is running. Is it fine to record via the plugin if one of the elektron devices is the main audio interface for the daw?

As in output from daw to monitors? Yes.

thanks for the replies to this.

thankfully cirklon is allowing some room to work this way for now, but yes it is less desirable than I would hope.

It’s too bad this could not be solved with an aggregated sound device or something on Mac. I’m hopefully maybe there is a way for elektron to address this in the future, as the multitracking ability is so amazing, but having it not play well with the rest of the studio is a shame.

You can host the overbridge plugin within komplete kontrol by native instruments , and it will report 0 latency to Ableton … this only works if you get the audio through an audio interface , and mute the plugin