Overbridge for Octa?

so, now that the overbridge is out for a4, ar, ak, can we expect something of the sorf for the octatrack?
inserting samples without detaching projects would be very nifty, sample mangling of next level in magnitude and possibilities…

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Not gonna happen. I hope someone makes an editor soon though - don’t really care whether it’s official.

Overbridge won’t happen for the Octa. The reason is hardware related.


Man, I’d really like to get started on an editor / organizer for the OT. I’d probably even open-source it. I mean… in USB disk mode, you’d have access to everything in those little files. If you could parse them and write them back out, you could make a pretty nice little organizer.

I would totally give it a try if I had some docos about the file format. Not sure if Elektron wants to open that up. It might make it difficult for them to change the format of those files.

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Yeah, I really want this for OT as well. Less to incorporate Octatrack into a DAW workflow, and more just to track out all 8 tracks at once.

Maybe a mk2 unit could add this. I’d buy it…

What a pity :sob:
I can´t help to think on the possibilities… Even if it was a stereo streaming…

Meh, one of the best things about the OT is how it lets you do computer-y stuff without the computer. There might be one or two tricks computer integration would open up but overall I don’t think it would be worth it for Elektron or for users.

I would totally give it a try if I had some docos about the file format

This would be really appreciated. I have an hour an half long liveset which uses a lot of small samples and it’s getting super cluttered…

Then if I move samples on the CF card, the static or flex sample list gets full of ERROR and it’s hard to repair everything when you have 60 samples path to fix… plus I have all those duplicates because I reused the same bass sample twice but forgot about it and now it uses RAM that I’d like to free up… even a simple tool would be super useful to clean everything up.

Or would give us the opportunity to move patterns, parts and banks from a project to another in an easy way…

I would be really thankful to Elektron HQ if they opened the documentation about the OT project file format. I mean… it would beneficial for the users, would not hurt their sales and profits and it’s likely that the documentation already exists somewhere in their design files. There are talentful software guys in this community and they would be eager to work on such project.

^^ THAT would be FANTASTIC.

Yes obviously the audio streaming and vst stuff is just not technically possible on the octatrack. BUT I will call elektron douches if they don’t also release an organizer for the octatrack. !!

With this ‘overbridge’ they have proved that they can actually produce software enhancements for their gear. and while the MD and MM are technically limited, the octatrack has usb and could be greatly improved with a good organizer…

In fact it has been repeatedly requested in the wishlists and many guys have been offering to produce the software themselves…

A simple offline editor that allows moving, copying, adjusting of: projects, banks, patterns, scenes and samples (and the samples with their .ot files).

Which is why I pmd Jon from elektron asking to provide the OT. File structure to rusty who has an editor ready to roll which gives so much added functionality to the OT - so it’s possible because it’s already done - the house has been built - all that’s needed are they keys and elektron have 0 reason not to provide that

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Be more specific, please - I can guess but I’d like an official explanation. I don’t expect you to commit to a hardware upgrade like the + drive that would add Overbridge functionality to the OT, but like others I would like to express my interest in paying for such a thing.
And +1 for the Organizer software or opening up the file format.

That’s a shame but still excited about being able to track my A4.
Does this also preclude and possibility of a simple sample management app? Not bi directional audio just sample and project management?

Be more specific, please - I can guess but I’d like an official explanation. I don’t expect you to commit to a hardware upgrade like the + drive that would add Overbridge functionality to the OT, but like others I would like to express my interest in paying for such a thing.
And +1 for the Organizer software or opening up the file format. [/quote]
It was mentioned in one of the videos I think?
The Octa was not built with the internal hardware for this.
When the made the A4, they new this was the plan and that hardware or chip or whatever is in all the A4’s.
Yes, now I remember!
Cenk literally said they had to lie when asked about audio over USB when the A4 first came out. I think the sonic state vid.


Considering rusty offered to sign an nda I really can’t see why they won’t give him the file structure. What we want is nearly available so let’s hassle elektron do give it to one of their users to do they’re Job (didn’t mean it to sound like that) but there’s no reason for them to be obtuse

Obviously, but I am asking about the specific technical details, like ‘it only has xxx USB chipset’ or ‘we’ve run out of microcontroller memory’ or ‘the bus from the CF card only has xxx megabits of bandwidth so it has to be statically switchable.’ I don’t want to open up my OT or start reverse-engineering the circuit board, but I am interested in knowing what the particular constraints are so I thought I’d ask.

On the file format, it might be worth looking at Void’s stuff on controlling the MD & A4 via sysex.

Obviously, but I am asking about the specific technical details, like ‘it only has xxx USB chipset’ or ‘we’ve run out of microcontroller memory’ or ‘the bus from the CF card only has xxx megabits of bandwidth so it has to be statically switchable.’ I don’t want to open up my OT or start reverse-engineering the circuit board, but I am interested in knowing what the particular constraints are so I thought I’d ask.

On the file format, it might be worth looking at Void’s stuff on controlling the MD & A4 via sysex.[/quote]
I am no digital tech head and this is largely assumption but …
It would have to be more than a matter of chipset.
You’d need AD converters already implemented in the USB interface for audio bidirectional data streaming with the DA converters for feed audio back through the A4 processing the sound through the A4 circuits and back out again also.
It would obviously need to be both a hardware replacement and software rewrite to even get the OT up too spec - wouldn’t be cheap for good AD/DA conversion / bidirectional audio / bidirectional midi etc also with audio that worked at variable sample rates @ 24 bit.

Maybe the putative ‘OT Mk2’ will be entirely software.

Obviously, but I am asking about the specific technical details, like ‘it only has xxx USB chipset’ or ‘we’ve run out of microcontroller memory’ or ‘the bus from the CF card only has xxx megabits of bandwidth so it has to be statically switchable.’ I don’t want to open up my OT or start reverse-engineering the circuit board, but I am interested in knowing what the particular constraints are so I thought I’d ask.

On the file format, it might be worth looking at Void’s stuff on controlling the MD & A4 via sysex.[/quote]
haha fair enough!

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