Overbridge 2.7.3 and Mac OS Sonoma 14.2.1 issues? Anyone else?

I wonder what the phantom component is that made the difference? That almost makes it sound like a hardware conflict although I can’t imagine why.

That is, if the MBP was running the same version of Sonoma. I’m not a mac person, but they use drivers like windows right? Is there a way you can use your time machine image to see if there is a different driver on something currently (now vs the backup)?

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There’s an article on the Elektron website, referring to specific ports in the OS, that mustn’t be used by anything else. This is the only thing I haven’t looked into but I suspect could be the culprit.

Edit: I put Resident Evil Village on my Mac at the start of November and that’s literally the only unusual thing apart from a bunch of music/audio apps. I’ve Never put a game on a Mac before so I’m going under the assumption it’s something to do with that.

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ok… digging into this stuff…
Thanks all.
Not sure about Time Machine differences.
I have a feeling it’s migration related - as the first go was all clean installed.
I have reinstalled OB today, but still no luck.

My MOTU Ultralite had me uncheck something in start up menu, that I may uncheck and try this all over again. I’ll have to reboot and run safe mode to turn that off/on.
Let’s see

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This sounds unnecessarily complicated. This only impacts Mac computers, is that what they’re implying?

Best luck, keep it updated. I guarantee someone will search this and find the topic helpful if you get it resolved.


Yes I think that info only applies to macOS.

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Just an update… Still nothing promising.
I’ve read through items posted above (thank you) and still no luck.
Ports and stuff seem fine.
I ended up reinstalling Mac OS Sonoma 14.2.1 and then uninstalling, restarting, installing OB 2.7.3 all over again at least 3 or 4 times.
Still nothing.

From this thread, I was guided to double check if the extension was getting disabled. It’s not… But it was to read through these posts:

So, I opened a ticket with Elektron. Let’s see what comes from it

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Do you have a legacy version of overbridge that you can install? Anything a few versions prior, where you can test to see if it’s specifically 2.7.3 which is the issue?

I’m seeing this same issue from 2.7.1 - 2.7.6, basically since the new drivers were introduced.

I don’t really have access to any other OB builds…
Is 2.7.6 available somewhere?
Did they roll it back to 2.7.3 officially?

My bad, I’m getting confused. 2.7.3 is the current release version.

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@djenzyme @shigginpit
Y’all… holy moly… It’s fixed!! :heart_eyes:

Here’s the lowdown:
Patrik at Elektron Support had me dig into viewing my extensions list via Terminal using:
systemextensionsctl list

Sure enough, there it was. It was the only extension listed:

He asked if visible in Terminal for me to reset it… with:
systemextensionsctl reset
But… Mac OS didn’t like that due to “System Integrity Protection (SIP)”.

So, as a check… I uninstalled Overbridge again via the Elektron uninstaller.
Even though the messages in the OS made it appear it was deleted/removed, not the case. A simple systemextensionsctl list check in Terminal still showed it there.

So… to the Google!
I found this from Reddit:

It’s written for Mac Intel, but for Apple Silicon the difference is mainly how you access Recovery Mode, which is “hold down power button until is says booting in Recovery/Safe Mode (or whatever they call it)”.
Once Recovery Mode loads you click on Options and then Continue.
Once that page loads, click on the top bar for Utilities > Terminal.
You can then follow the Reddit directions to turn off SIP:
csrutil disable
Reboot again - back to regular mode.

In Terminal, find your list again:
systemextensionsctl list
Then zap that sucker… In my case:
systemextensionsctl uninstall KS6W2DLCW9 se.elektron.overbridge.driverkit.driver


Go to :
and find a folder with random numbers and letters.
Mine was “7AFA52F0-E4F2-4B4F-BF2B-23CE34030565”.
Inside you’ll see the driver. Send the whole folder to the trash bin.

Reboot again to Recovery/Safe mode.
Get back to the Terminal like you did before and re-enable SIP
csrutil enable

Reboot again to normal mode.
Install Overbridge from Elektron Installer.
All worked textbook perfect down to the “You must Allow this extension” notification, which I did… and it now works 100%

Yay Elektron Support!
Yay Reddit nerds!
Yay Music!


Dude, that’s intense! Crazy hoops to jump through but that’s so awesome man! Really glad you were able to get that worked out. In under a week no less! (ok maybe 8 days, but still less than a "business week)

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No doubt. I was pissed this weekend, when I had to record my newest beat thing using the caveman way via audio cables! How dare I!?!?
But in the back of mind, I knew it wasn’t forever - just be patient…
and sure enough, the universe provided

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your newest beat thang :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

awesome stuff though man, and I bet this will absolutely help someone in the future, as it sounds like this could be a problem for more than just you.

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LOL… I’m so happy, I don’t know what I’m even saying… LOL. Beat thang!

Yeah, maybe it will help out @djenzyme! I hope so!
or anyone else in the future.
I just sent my updates to Elektron as well


That’s great news, glad you got it sorted, I’ll try it out later. Elektron support still haven’t got back to me for weeks, but this looks promising :slightly_smiling_face:

Damn, just tried the same steps, but I get nothing showing up as a system extension, it says 0.

Glad you got it working though :+1:

ah, dang! sorry to hear… Bummer!
I couldn’t believe this was actually my issue.
I still think it had to do with me migrating from an older Time Machine build.

Maybe you’ll hear something soon from them, now that their holiday break is over. Good luck!

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Wahey! :partying_face:

Just installed the latest Sonoma update, which rebuilt the system extensions, and now Overbridge installs correctly!

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Fantastic!!! :cowboy_hat_face:

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