Overbridge 2.0.11 Public Beta - Plugins, Drivers and Firmware

Thanks, I cleaned up some unused MIDI devices (Mac). But still the same behaviour.
Immedialety after firing a pgm change it sends another to pgm 1 - when using overbridge.

A working work-around is phealams hint with using a midi cable though. I put on from digitakt to my audio interface and set the digitakt to send midi out only. Thank you for this!

Is there a workaround to get the drivers to work on Windows 7?

This worked for me too:

Thanks! I tried that earlier and it didn’t work, but maybe I didn’t do it right. Will keep at it.

Same thing as Spacelordmother… Black screen when open on Windows 7… Thanks for help!

Hi!.. I have the update 1.10 on my Digitakt and i’ve install the Overbridge, but it says that the ‘‘Firmware’’ of the Digitakt is not compatible… I don’t see another update version… Somebody can help!??.. Thanks!!

You have to flash the 1.11 beta 6 firmware on your Digitakt to get OB working. Look in the 1st post of this thread.

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Thanks Peter!.. I’m trying but there’s another issue… not able to tranfert the Os update… the ‘‘Elektron Transfer’’ don’t recognise the Digitakt (no divices connected)… it already happened , and just restarting my computer worked… but not this time!

Maybe you can find information/help in this topic : DIGITAKT not connecting to computer

Yeah, i already look at it but i’ll dig deeper ; )… Thanks again!

Haha… it’s was all my fault… The USB config of the Digitakt was on Overbridge mode :crazy_face:

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Well, glad i could help. Have fun!

Thanks, have a good day!

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Getting lots of crackles and pops in FL Studio with Analog Heat MK1

Cant even handle a small/medium load before making noise

Make sure that you match ob and fl to 48kHz and also match the buffer in ob to fl…mine are 512…if its to short you will gett pops and crackles…i have DT and ARmkii streaming 16 mono channel and 8 stereo no problem. But when set to 44.1 and a shorter buffer i had pops and crakles. Also make sure you are on the most recent version of FL20…

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I’m having an issue with Ableton (10.1 beta) + OB + Analog Heat Mk II. The problem is that animations on the AH Drive parameter - critical for a track I’m working on - are only applied & can only be heard when I press ‘play’ in Ableton and listen to the arrangement. Animations are unfortunately missing from the rendered track, and also missing if I create a new audio track and try resampling from all active tracks.

Freezing / flattening does not help: animations are missing from the track when it’s frozen / flattened.

Has anyone encountered this - ie, animations for AH work fine when composing, but are completely absent when rendering the audio for upload or resampling?


Are you rendering in realtime? Heat is an analog device and can only process signals in realtime as you play audio though it, it’s not a vst that can just run code faster, it’s analog circuitry…

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That was the problem, thanks. I did understand AH was analog, or partially so :wink: but hadn’t realized I’d need to change my workflow for MIDI tracks that use the Heat VST. One solution is to record a new audio track, using the post-FX output of the track I care about - with the animations on the Drive parameter. That works fine, whereas the non-realtime freezing / flattening, or non-realtime audio export, do not - for the reason you point out.

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Anyone seeing that there is no signal if the Analog Heat plugin is placed last in chain? But placing it 1st generates the audio signal through Analog Heat?

problem with mac:

os 10.14.4…
digitakt with 11.1 beta6 and overbridge mode on…
in usb mode transfer recognizes my dt but overbridge control panel can’t see anything :confused:

any solutions for this??

would be glad about help!