Over bridge works/doesn't work on my____computer

Hey all, so I have a pretty crappy old macbook pro 2010 edition. Served me well, but it needs a new battery and well its outdated and old now. It’s not handling Overbridge very well, to the point I suspect my computer is not going to work out with OB. For instance simply changing certain track i/o setting lock up or glitch out about 95% of the time. Just wondering for the peeps with new sweet computers, is it running somewhat smoothly. Like can you open the VST, set it up, play around a bit? I managed to play for a bit, but I am not able to do much without flexing my system out. Old computer fam, same deal? Over bridge no work?

I can use it without any glitches and adjust parameters on fly, real time and have already come up with some killer sounds. I have a 2012 13 "Mac Book Pro.

No love for vista users? :zonked:

Cant even get the VSTi to show up in Ableton live or Bitwig Studio. Control panel sees my analog 4 though. Not sure whats up…

IF on Windows this solved my problem:


I’ll try tonight on my 2011 macbook. Hopefully it will be fine. We’ll see though.

One upgrade for an old mac besides more ram is get an SSD system drive. Makes the run much faster.

Works flawlessly here on Windows 8.1 intel I7 8GB RAM. 32 samples buffer.

Works on my 2010 macbook

I’m getting system freezes if tyring to open the “Overbridge Control Panel” - forces me to hard shut down.

Haven’t tried the VST yet as only 7am here and I have to head to work.

System: W8, I7, 8gb ram, laptop.

Installing 32bits DLLs on a 64 bit Windows machine seems to be impossible as of now. Which causes problems for the many who run the 32bit version of their DAWs on their 64 bit OS.

Attempting to load the vst from within Live also caused a hard freeze system crash. Have mentioned to Elektron via Facebook and will open a case up with them as requested (also per the readme I think). Hopefully something that can be fixed as I don’t think there is anything particularly “special” about my syste,. Perhaps there is some sort of clash with my Roland Octacapture drivers or something? Anyway, if I get a solution, I’ll share.

Windows 7 64 bit with BitWig worked first time. LOVE IT

From Elektron:

The 64-bit installer for Windows contains both the 32-bit and 64-bit plugins. The Mac binary is universal. Use the 64-bit installer and you will be able to load the 32-bit plugin in your DAW.

What’s the likelyhood of being able to get it to run on a 2008 macbook running 10.6.8? Can’t seem to find any info about required minimum spec on the website?

installed overbridge on mac osx lion 1.7.5… just after restart… i got this yellow screen and no more actions are possible:

anyone got this issue?


I have everything working but cant see any mention of VSTi in Live OSX Yosemite 2011 MacBook Pro

I have a windows 64bit OS and I am using Ableton 64bit as my sequencer . I installed OB and had problems with the VSTi. I managed to solved the problem using jbridge , a Java software that converts 32bit VSTis to 64bit . Everything runs smoothly now . Hope thiw helps some people …

control panel is working with iMac 2013 8gb ram, ssd and Yosemite … BUT due the fact AU plug in will be supportet in OB 1.0 and not in OB beta … no testing in Logic 9 possible at the moment? Would love to see how it works with uad satelite and how good or bad the latency is.