OT mk1 suddenly a silent track why?

Mute your active scene (Fn + Scene).
Check your FX and AMP settings.
No MIDI input, just to be sure.


20 or 30 reasons ? :content:

I’ll add :
Do other tracks work properly ?
Can you listen to your samples in other banks with that track ? (init part)


Let’s consult the very useful memes by @Schnork:


There are a no. of possible reasons. Maybe this will help.


I still stand by my response in this thread. Sounds very much the same.

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I didn’t quite understand the premise of that problem. Do you know what “passing thru old stuff” means in this context? Does it mean a thru machine?

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Even after more than 5 years using the OT once in every while, mostly when I’m playing with other people, it happens to me. . For me, when this happens I usually just go through the Playback, Amp, LFO, Effect 1 and 2, and I clear them all. And then I have to remember to to re assign input’s on the thru tracks, because when you clear the screen, it also clears those settings. That usually gets rid of the worst of them.


Yeah, it really does happen a lot! I just laugh when it happens now. I think the biggest one for me is to accidentally set scenes… Accidental p-locks can happen too, because it’s easy to forget I have my finger on a trig, but those are easier to spot when it happens.

Schnork’s memes are funny, but they’re also a great checklist!


I think he just meant listening to old projects or patterns, and some of them had tracks without sound.


I see. Not necessarily a thru machine. Thanks

Re-reading that thread, I think the scene theory could be right


Thanks for all that feedback and suggestions. Nice to see that I am not alone.
I had checked for p-locks and scenes and fx and filter and cue. None of that caused the silence. However I did not check cue+yes.
But could get hold of the I famous oktakontrol and that was new to my setup (but I also checked the settings and that should also not be the reason).
What did the trick, was a restart of the OT. So I would assume that there could exist a software bug.

PS: since the Oktakontrol can solo tracks: is there a shortcut on the OT to directly solo Tracks?

Cue + Track trig in Mixer or Quick mute mode.


Apparently my template project has a thru machine enabled (including playback trig) on track 7 which at the time I thought would be handy. Gave me a good headscratch recently when I was setting up 3 other thru machines with the TR-8 and things wouldn’t mute :stuck_out_tongue:


The scariest is probably the CC OUT = EXT bug. No sound, stuck knobs…


What exactly is that bug? Never heard of it.

In the video at 23:45 he even said that sometimes you just have to reboot the machine.
Maybe I will just restart, when the sample editor does not play any sound with Func+Yes. Or is there any scenario that can cause the Audio-Editor not to play a sound? (I assume there is a setting, but I can not think of any)

And I just remembered, that there are also some situations when the recording sometimes only records silence, or even worse, just record a very quiet signal.

Func+Yes preview doesn’t work on T8 when it’s set to Master.

This happened to me recently but it was user error - pressing Rec1 when trying to record from a track output! Made me scratch my head for a while.

There are some bugs in the OT, but in my experience 99% of the time it’s user error.


If you want to rule out a hardware defect, best thing is to save your project, and create a new one. It helps reporting the doubt on the user action instead of fearing for your machine :sweat_smile:


Yes that is the surest thing, but it is quicker to check in unused bank (fresh part). This elimitates wrong track parameters, scenes, lfos…

Preview with fx that cut the sound, Attributes gain, Mutes…

That’s cheating ! :content:
But may reveal a buggy behavior. Wrong settings should last after reboot.


…seems to me, ur talking about catched samples…so i suggest, always safe ur recording buffers as soon as possible…and make it a habit to quick safe ur actual project whenever u reached some next level of yeah, this is it…

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