OT MIDI Sequencer question

I have been live recording the MIDI into the OT including live recording CC changes. It is working great! A question…How do I simply erase my CC changes on a track if I do not like them? There are instructions in the manual how to accomplish this with Trig Samples but I tried on MIDI tracks and the commands did not work. Any ideas?

“Remove specific parameter locks in real time by pressing [EXIT/NO] while pressing the
DATA ENTRY knob corresponding to the parameter that should be removed.”

Pg 79 in the PDF manual.

Down just a bit under the bit about erasing Trigs.

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Another trick is to copy your pattern, or your track before you record changes, and paste it if you don’t like them. You can also do a bank save/reload if you are planning on doing a number of changes across patterns. Have been using that lately to do snapshots before i tweak too much and possibly ruin everything :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the tips!