OT lessons?

Nice work on that track man. .
did you remember if you used parts in that?

Yes I did. I was using the video clip to illustrate just how powerful linking patterns to parts can be. And thank you for your comment!

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It’s an honor to disagree with you! :smiley:
So I definitely have to try the 4 parts structure!
Saving parts for reload only, yes, but I still prefer to mangle and revert parameters, as long as I’m at home and know what I’m doing with mangling.
For a well prepared / thinked live, I’d probably save them for reload, fearing to be too impressed by SO many people! (Worse with friends for new years eve! :tongue:)

@Microtribe, maybe make an effort to try it is probably more appropriate than force myself! :content:
I’d like to make a decent DnB one day! Your video is motivating! An attempt 20 years ago (MC303 and CS1X!). No Bass! (Dn)


Thank you @sezare56
Also worth noting. Those old DnB tracks on my youtube channel were all made before the conditional trigs update. So all the breath and life of the track had to be done live in real time with scenes, clever Parts, muting, pattern chaining etc
Conditional trigs have made me lazy…

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This! I was already lazy before, using lfos a lot on a 1 bar pattern. Pff. I should work on 2 steps pattern now…:joy:
IIRC some Elektronauts already made a challenge with that, no? :content:

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MD Science Lab: 2 Step

I also use part reload as a homebase so after slowly tweaking parameters here and there during a jam or maybe a few, I part reload after stopping to get back to my preferred starting point. I save my parts when they’re at a state I really like and then usually don’t ever save the same one again, just use it to reload during or after jamming. I’ll use another one if I’m going to want to keep it.

My part changes are usually pretty drastic and have they’re own volumes and things already set so I don’t worry about parameter changes in previously used parts, for less drastic changes and wanting parameter changes to carry over I’d probably use scenes and sample locks…

As always lots of ways to go but if you use the pattern 1-4 part1, 5-8 part2, etc., method it’s pretty easy to remember which patterns are using the parts. If your used to switching banks for part change you can think about it as 4 banks in 1, pattern 1-4 would be like bank1, pattern 5-8 like bank2, etc…

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Ok, you guys are making me put on my big boy pants and dig into trigg conditions. Ugh, now I have to comprehend “Is true when the neighbor is the friend is next door in the kitchen” I might need to pop some aderol to comprehend the condition languaging. Thanks.

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Parts and part reload are essential especially when sequencing external gear. Without parts, no use of program changes.

For audio track parameters, sometimes, instead of reloading the part I use a blank scene. While holding the scene button, I can tweak parameters, press the encoder to reset a parameter. Mute scene to go back.
Advantage is that this sometimes leads to interesting scene locks.

I started to work with part reload again revently, because there are no scenes for midi tracks.
So build ups like opening filter cutoff, filter env, more decay, turning up the delay send and feedback then boom - back to closed filter bass sound require part reload.
Part reload also works for momentary fx, something I used to do with scenes (scene locking fx parameters like delay send and then briefly unmuting the scene).

So’ I’ll probaply work more with part reload.

In the past I usually focused either on parts or on scenes.
Dunno if it’s because the buttons for parts are on the left and crossfader is on the right…could be.

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yeah, sometimes it’s hard to know whether to use parts or scenes for a change-up; or to do one and realise down the line the other would have been a better choice.


T1 %¬¬¬%¬¬¬%¬%¬¬¬¬¬
T2 N¬¬¬N¬¬¬N¬¬¬N¬¬¬

Track 1 = % conditionals. When they are true, Track 2 NEI conditionals are true.
% can be on the same step as NEI or before.


Can you give me some NEI examples in use? I have a hard time comprehending the manual explanations. :slight_smile:

after reading about the parts this morning and having another read of Merlins guide,
ive had another go and was wondering…
Is there a way to have a part reload to it’s saved state when going back to it?

I save my 2 parts with the scenes I want active when I start.
So I start at the start then go through the scenes on pattern 1 part 1, all good
I jump to pattern 2 part 2 go through the scenes, all good,

But when I go back to pattern 1 part 1 it’s on the scene I left it on not the part I saved it on…
If I go back to pattern 1 part 1 it’s left on the last scene that is washed out in reverb FX etc.
I would’ve thought it would be where it saved…

I know the A4 and AR has reload kit on change does the Octatrack not have this?

Reckon the post above explains it pretty well I didn’t quite get it until saw that example also

You mean how it can be useful? I tried them once, but with the example I gave you can stack several tracks trigs, or alternates them with /NEI. Just try, if you don’t understand, ask again…

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Nope. You’d have to manually reload the part.
[Function] + [Cue] to reload.
Fortunately that shortcut doesn’t require finger gymnastics^^

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But if I leave the part in a mess from a scene how do I go back to the part
without Changing back into reverb etc ?
When can you reload it?, seems you can only reload the part you are on…

Save at appropiate point you want to reload to?
Maybe I don’t understand your problem, but you can ofc save the part at any point which then is the state you’ll return to when reloading.

Also scenes are ofc controlled by the crossfader. Crossfader position is not saved in parts ofc.

Bummer if can’t reload part on change, probably would be my number 1 feature request…
Guess I have to reload the part really quick as soon as it starts
if I want to return to the saved state…

Hmm, yeah. [Function] + [Cue] doesn’t require finger gymnastics (I wish there was a quick save button combination, though!) and scenes can easily be muted [Function] + [Scene A/B Button].
Not an issue for me.

Unfortunately the page leds are sometimes hard to see on the OT… I’ll usually look at my AK when I’m doing build ups, transitions or fills^^

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