i dont know what you are thinking about it but in my opinion the organization and handling of sets, banks and patterns really sucks!!! after 5 months of jamming i’m lost in bunch of random projects and wild spread files all over the cf card. pain in the ass to collect all of the good stuff in a single project to prepare for a live gig. nearly impossible without making a mass of mistakes and going crazy after hours and hours and hours of trying to put them all together. and it is so frustrating, that i am seriously thinking abaut to get rid of this machine…
and i really dont understand why elektron do nothing about it after years of expiriance and so many user requests about it!
sorry for bad spelling.
cheers! V
Definitely a good example of an instrument thats wise to research beforehand, with a focus over more than just the jam you are currently working.
Typical use breakdown:
Sets: Just use one. All your samples can live in this set & as many projects as you care to set up.
Project: 1 project contains a typical live performance or group of tracks. Good idea to regularly save to new project. (equivalent of timemachine based backup)
Banks: Each bank contains 4 parts. The parts can each be an entire song, or else a part of a song. Typically 1 bank = one song for me.
But I get your emotion… the frustration for me is the limited number of sample slots per project. Even with sample chains etc, i would kill to get 256 or 512 slots for static samples.
As a band aid fix for your current work there has been discussion & Beta testing around a Windows OT sample manager which would allow transferral of samples/parts/patterns? between projects on here a while ago.
I agree. I really enjoy the setup for an MPC where you save by programs, and each program can have its own set of samples and each track in a sequence is linked to another program. It really works well for organizing things and moving tracks between projects for preparing for a live set. The OT is problematic in that each project has its own set of samples, so you can really only have one project to pick your favorite parts for a live set up. in terms of organizing for a live performance, it is not the most convenient architecture.
there is also the option to let OT to put files in the Project folder, instead of the AUDIO folder
I know what Sets Projects etc are. and for me is a bank also a song.
but thats not the problem. and the limitaion of slots either. you know you could get two OTs to double sounds and tracks. this is not the topic here. the topic is the ORGANIZATION within the OT itself! ORGANIZATION is the root after every creative process. not loosing yourself in bunch of data and stuff. like a piece of paper, you know. if you like your idea- you take it, you sort it, you use it. if not you delete it or put it in your desc for maybe later on.
Without the feature to organize yourself on the OT it is more like a toy, not a professional instrument!
a toy for 1200$…
Yeah, if elektron dont some up with a solution about this, im going to get rid of the OT and bay me a good old MPC.
there is also the option to let OT to put files in the Project folder, instead of the AUDIO folder[/quote]
yes, but this doesnt help you much with organizing things…
its not important where the samples are (in my opinion). they could be everywhere. doesnt matter. important is how to collect banks and put them together in a project without looking for every sample and manualy setup the slots and settings and part s and so on… hell
and the thing is from the software disign POV this is peanuts. it is just a script that collects all the samles and infos and put them together werever you like. if something goes wrong-like not enough slots or you are about to erase a existing bank there are many solution how to hadle such things… i really dont understand where the problem is to have this significant option.
cheers, v
Have you ever tried the Collect Samples command? I beleive it does exactly what you’re after.
Never really had the problem you’re describing over three years of daily use. Set your preferences to save samples in your projects and the thing pretty much organizes itself.
perhaps the Collect Samples command (Project Menu) will help you get it organized a little better, not tried it so don’t know how useful it may be
edit: ^ not sure what happened there, i didn’t take 3mins to type !!!
yes! i have tried the collect samples command. and like i said:
the problem are not the samples and the location of them.
the problem is to organize banks ans patterns.
in bank 1 you have the patterns 6 and 9 you like. in bank 8 you have patterns 2 and 8 you like. and so on. then you decide to put all the patterns you like in one bank of your choice or in one set and not to have to deal with manualy searching for samples and copying every part and track individualy…
I see what you’re up to. You might like this thread: