I’d like to see what samples are in use and which ones are safe to delete on a windows machine. And maybe reorganise samples in folders without breaking projects
The newest OS has two function which enable most of what you are looking for.
Collect Samples - copies all sample files that are used from the pool into the project folder
Purge Samples- deletes all samples from a static/flex slot that are not used in the project
Whilst I can code in multiple languages; I am much more a Windows guy then a OSX guy; so the approach would be to develop the Windows version first; then port to OSX.
Two advantages of a Excel/VBA route are:
a) cross-platform (with the right Excel version)
b) Very easy to bulk maipulate samples / drag and drop.
“b” becomes tricky regardless of platform; as there is still X number of clicks you need to do to perform an operation standalone.
Should all be doable.
The tricky part here is the file format / logic / encryption that Elektron utilises… I might need to have a discussion with them about that; but they may not want to share with me for the obvious IP reasons.
Easy… I also have another very random thought as well
As mentioned; there is facilties in the latest OS for this; but I could probably do this as well.
The newest OS has two function which enable most of what you are looking for.
Collect Samples - copies all sample files that are used from the pool into the project folder
Purge Samples- deletes all samples from a static/flex slot that are not used in the project[/quote]
Yes but doesn’t that create copies of all used files and puts them in a project folder? I re-use files alot, as I made alot of 64x slice samples. It would be a waste of space to have all those duplicate files. And purge does not delete any files, just removing them from the slots.
The newest OS has two function which enable most of what you are looking for.
Collect Samples - copies all sample files that are used from the pool into the project folder
Purge Samples- deletes all samples from a static/flex slot that are not used in the project[/quote]
Yes but doesn’t that create copies of all used files and puts them in a project folder? I re-use files alot, as I made alot of 64x slice samples. It would be a waste of space to have all those duplicate files. And purge does not delete any files, just removing them from the slots.[/quote]
I would happily open my wallet for a way to conveniently exchange banks between projects. This really is the only thing that makes me sometimes hate my Octatracks and limit my creativity, I don’t see myself needing any further sample management features.
Windows OS.
Update: I’m currently doing a bit of project scope / looking at options… I have a few ideas, so am reviewing the options, complexibility, feasibility etc.
Ok, between here and the other place; appears to be 30 people interested; one guinea pig; and a split of 15 Windows; 7 OSX, 1 Rebel and 7 no comments…