No pressure, I know Elektron have been busy with the AK and the AR, but an OT OS update would be nice. When they announced the Night of the Machines, my first thought was that the OT was going to get some new ‘machines’. Or has the OT reached such a degree of perfection, that no new ‘machines’ are in development, not even under consideration?
A polymode for the OT would be great. Overcoming the pitch limitation would be great as well. Add to that a Grain Machine or the ability to crossfade your loops!!!
Project management is what I need before anything else. Being able to juggle banks between projects without tearing my hair out would be nice.
I envision a system like this:
There is a new project format called “Performance”. It is intended as a container for loading banks into that have been exported from projects. Each bank that is loaded auto-populates sample slots sequentially (if possible), and remaps the sample slot to track relationships accordingly, including sample lock slots. When a bank load is attempted and there is not enough memory or sample slots available, a message is displayed that says why the bank will not be loaded. All normal editing will be possible, saved changes will be applied directly to the banks that were originally exported, or “saved as” to a new bank and sample slots can be reloaded with replacement samples but no new sample slots can be allocated. Something along these lines, and I really don’t see how it could be so difficult to implement…
WRT polyphony - I would guess that the DSP system is designed to handle the 8 tracks (and effects) without a whole lot of extra capacity. I’d be surprised if polyphony with the effects / modulations, would be possible without having some other mode with fewer tracks. I guess it might be possible to do some kind of cross fade between the samples (like Albeton does), but even then, that would mean that each ‘track’ is really two separate playback engines. So, I doubt we’ll see this. Personally I don’t see the need for it, as I tend to think of the OT as 8 separate playback engines and not as a normal ‘sampler’.
Recording of note length - Not having that annoys me a bit as well, but since it’s on the MnM and the OT, I’m guessing it’s some kind of design decision? It would be cool to be able to have an option to record note length as an amp hold plock. That seems like it should be do-able, but I don’t know what’s under the hood.
I would not anticipate anything before April/May at the very earliest, more likely 6-8 months. The Analog RYTM is obviously top priority right now and you can expect that right after release there will need to be a few small bug fixes. I would expect incremental improvements and maybe some housekeeping options, but don’t hold your breath
I want the recording of velocity and note lenght in grid mode to be turned of - or at least the ability to turn it off as user. That would allow me to use the newer updates that contain the new fx like the dark reverb.
Until this happens, i’m stuck with OS 1.21B
I’d also appreciate if they make their source code available. I’m pretty shure elektron would sell 50 times more hardware and the quality of the os would benefit enormously!
Yeah but that is exactly what I want, like in the A4 and the MnM. If you want 2 note poly, use up 2 tracks, if you want 8, use up 8 tracks etc. It can definitely already do that ie. just load the same sample and effects on each track. Basically all I want is to use a singal sequencer track to control them all, with some way of defining chords (like on all the other machines).
YEAH! I’ve tried multiple times to contact Elektron and get some information, but it seems realy closed and non feedback, except: “thank you very much for your suggestions” and nothing else.
it’s ok to bring new machines on the market, but in my opinion there are too many things to polish up in the actual gear. hounderts of ideas and suggestions and actualy a few bugs and bad design things.
I have bought my OT about 5 months ago and everywhere i saw comments like “super update strategy”. in the 5 months there was just 1 minor update with some realy don’t mind features like “some page -> function+poti = 0-127”
and there is NOT so much to do actualy in the OT. just few thing to prove stability, few thing for the handling of data and some standard “must have” features like in every sampler/ sequencer.
maybe in the feature some new machines, but this is extra and depends on the inspiration of the elektron developers…
and the selling strategy “you get one device and you get major updates and features and so on, but just get one for 1300€…” is somehow disapointing…
Fix the “Dub Rec Aborted” error in the Slave Pickup Machine. My current workaround is to use an external looper pedal (which I got on blowout sale) when I want to loop something in addition to the loop running in the Master Pickup Machine. Yes, I have entered a Support Ticket on in Elektron’s Customer Zone for this issue.
Give us MIDI access to the Create Slice Grid and Assign Locks (to Slices) functionality.
Quick Slice mode (number of slices, linear vs. random lock setting,etc.can be preconfigured). See the Yellofier app on iPad for a great example.
This is a great idea! I wonder though, if it would be possible considering how much more data a sequence would have to contain… p-locking lfo destination could be really crazy, or even, fader-assigning lfo-settings
Usually specialized hardware like Elektron gear requires proprietary (expensive) DSP and Mcrocontroller tools. I doubt many devs would want to invest time (learning curve) and money to do OT OS dev. Also, it would require a lot of effort from Elektron to make sure the changes wouldn’t brick everyone’s OT. Don’t get me wrong… I’m an avid OSS user and I am an active OSS developer… So I love open source… but I don’t see specialized stuff like the OT as being a great fit for Open Source.
This is a great idea! I wonder though, if it would be possible considering how much more data a sequence would have to contain… p-locking lfo destination could be really crazy, or even, fader-assigning lfo-settings[/quote]
I use it on my MnM, all the time p-locking the lfo shapes, trig modes etc is very very powerful
its all those filter option not p-lockable too which frustrates me