Open Battle #4 - Mix first, ask questions later(ed)

Did you manage to get the caramel out of your sheets?

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Tanx for compliments y’all!

I just muted the verbs and performed it without :slight_smile:

For the gear lurkers: MD+LPB2ube, M:C, AR (just 1 hihat), H9 delay, Xone:96 (mixing, crunch & filters), a little RNLA comp, recorded straight to USB drive via RME UCX2

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Told your mum to text me if she saw anything when she hung them out to dry, mate. Haven’t heard anything back so… yeah… you should sleep well :wink:


Volca Drum + DIY Atari Punk Console + Behringer mixer= whatever the flip this track is. My apologies in advance.

Any reverb-like sounds are from the weird “wave guide” on the Volca Drum.
I’m just glad I finally found a use for that picture… :joy:


Here’s my submission. I created it using Output’s Rev with Rev Loops. It was recorded with a Tascam DR-05 recorder.


Glass refers to the samples I presume, but maybe Philip Glass too?

Glass refers to the samples.

The busier parts remind me of a Philip Glass opera.

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Two days to go, reverb wankers.


How did I miss this? I’m going to try and jump on this tomorrow. If you don’t hear back from me, I’m either dead or still making embarrassingly shit music.


Dang, that month flew by.
Total creative slump as well…

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Snuck this one out tonight. An extension of a few ideas from a Deluge couch session.

Delay from Matriarch and Bluebox. Minimal arrangement, fading in and out parts using the Deluge song view and SiX. Recorded into H2N with (of course) no post-processing.


That was the bees knees’ bees knees. Excellent.

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Happened what happened.

Jamming on Digitone + Octatrack

No thinking, no planning
No editing, no mixing
Only live playing and silly things.

Gore tek®

Edit: track disqualified, I pushed the no-thinking instruction too far and forgot the no-reverb rule.


hopefully this works, I can change it from private if needed. Everything mixed live but I did use a hard limiter in my recording program to just get the levels up to more normal levels with out worrying about clipping… which is maybe slightly cheating or something.

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This is all done in one take in Reaktor with its built in recorder. There is reverb on the track, but I built it myself with lots and lots of delays and filters, so I think that gets a pass. 100% homebrew sequencers, synths, fx and dynamics processors

Soundcloud is murdering the high end on this unfortunately


really digging this track

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Lovelovelove those bass stabs that start around 1:10. excellent track, super heavy

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A lot of cool tracks in this challenge. I’m bummed I didn’t see this before today or I would have taken a stab at it. Oh well, there’s always the next one.

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Just make one anyway… art of not giving a shit.
Post it here, bollocks to the deadline.