Open Battle #10 Steamy Shellac

Just tried it myself.
Just vote for someone else. It simply changes your vote. Easy :slight_smile:

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georgestephenson was in the list ha. So changed to this one for now.

couple of days to listen and enjoy and openly vote for your fave steam twizzler. submissions are open forever as well so feel free to add some sounds if inspired.

pretty comprehensive history of steam sounds recording and music:

i like to imagine percy grainger wouldā€™ve been posting in current sounds if he were born in todays era. for an 18 year old composer in 1901 this is fucking mental.

and, iā€™m done with steam for another few decades. actually i just steamed some bao buns.

so currently a draw between @Microtribe and @1-2 with 4 votes apiece.

iā€™m gonna call it at 12:00 GMT, so any votes in next 3 hours could swing it.

what. a. thriller. :tada:


so in an absolutely unprecedented shocker both @Microtribe and @1-2 have 4 points each.

Which means you both have to duel to the death or play rock paper scissors or joint host the next open battle or something.



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I say, BATTLE!

Collaboration in processā€¦ stay tuned for open battle 11.

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Shame, I had some wicked ideas for yous to duel it out.

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Thanks for the votes, @1-2 and I have had a natter and come up with the next challenge, go here and do it.