OP-XY/Z User Thread

On behest of the community here is a user thread for OP-XY and Z users, since the Z share so much commonality with the XY I thought it would be good to include that here.

Share any tips, ask any question and let’s keep the discussion focused on the actual usage of these devices.

Useful links:


Thank you. For this and answering all the questions people have had.


Good call.

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Searchable OP-XY Manual

Credit: @darwiniandude


Id like some tips on Multisampling a sample from the sd card onto the keys. This would obviously be so handy. Is there some way of doing it in one go?

Found a good list of OP-forums comparing the differences between the step components of XY and Z


May peace, helpfulness, and good music reign in this thread (as things in Elektronauts tend to):pray::musical_note:


Is the external midi track (within the auxiliary tracks) the same as using an instrument track with the external “engine” to turn it into a midi track, or there is a difference ?

The difference is that the auxiliary midi track cannot be affected by the brain track.

So it’s a good track to set up for program change for other sequencers or if you have an FX pedal with midi you want to control.

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I’ve read there is only one CV out. Wouldn’t we need two? One for gate and one for pitch/cv?

The CV output jack is stereo, so you can use a splitter cable to have gate on one side and pitch/CV on the other.

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You need a stereo splitter cable to split up the signal,


Ahhh. Cool thx

Thanks for making this, looking forward to learning more about the xy through productive conversation.


There is no SD card slot on the OP-XY.
You hold the key you want to sample to, say C3, and play the instrument you want to multisample. Then you move up a few keys, say to A3, and play the corresponding note on the instrument you want to multisample. The OP-XY will pitch up the first sample (C3) if you now play chromatically upwards until you arrive at A3, where the second sample will take over. Rinse and repeat until you have reached the limit of 24 samples.
You can’t do this in one go, as it is up for you to decide on the intervals between the notes you want to sample. Smaller intervals means less noticable pitch artifacts. Greater intervals means more artifacts, but a greater range overall.
So you can multisample each key across two octaves to have a perfect representation of the instrument you sampled, but only for those two octaves. Or choose to sample only every fifths, sevens, or octaves to be able to play a wider range from lower to higher notes.


I’m very very impressed with the OP-XY.

I do have a couple of questions if I may, they are not show stoppers and at least one of them may feel a little niche but I am certainly interested to know.

Microtonal scales is it just a case of building the scale directly on the OP-XY or is there a way to get .scl or sysex Midi Tuning Tables into the device? Would it be fixed to repeating octaves or could non repeating octaves be used too?

Is the USB C connection Core MIDI and/or bi-directional? It would be lovely to hook up a controller keyboard or synth for MIDI I/O with USB C and keep the multi out as a separate aux audio connection.

Finally as there is no direct timestretch I wonder if anyone has experimented with the Sampler instrument on a small loop window and attached a upward ramp Saw LFO which is sync’d to the loop start point to see if it could fudge a kind of timestretch algo (no matter how crappy!)



Hey Calc. Nice to see you here.
I believe @MichaalHell said they are working on slices. That would definitely make it easy.

Also I would try manually setting the sample start with p locks

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…and a drum synth engine too, apparently :drum:


Over on Lines, user @justmat posted that you can use single-cycle waveforms on the XY, which opens up a ton of great synth options!

