OP-XY/Z User Thread

Thanks. Does it shorten the sample timescale as you go higher pitched. And lengthen it as you get lower?

I don’t have an OP-XY yet, my description above is based on the sampling tutorials on YouTube. So I’m not 100% sure, but yes, that’s how it seems to work between the sampled notes.

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Thanks again. On the Isla S2400 it shortens etc. Most do i think.

So, any of us that managed to buy this in live and direct in store? And for those that ordered it, anybody got it already?

Manual credit darwiniandude. Original post.


I think I already know the answer to this based on the videos I’ve seen, but is there a way to set a predetermined sample length - for example record 1/2/4 bars at the project tempo?

Also do the punch in FX work by essentially grabbing onto and manipulating individual trigs? For the sake of argument say I had a project that was just 8 sample tracks all playing recorded 4 bar loops over a 4 bar pattern - each track would just have 1 trig on the first beat and nothing more. In this case do the punch in FX still manipulate the samples?

This is just my guess based on expected shipping dates but it doesn’t seem like retailers have received their allocations yet. I’d expect them to ship from TE to retailers this coming week and then on from there. So if you’re in Europe it may be slightly quicker than if you’re in the US or further afield.

Strange. I thought on original Z that external midi was effected by the chord/transpose track? Brain is just the next iteration of that, right?

Have tracking. Within the US, ships out direct from TE in NJ. I’m west coast so won’t see it until Friday.

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I ordered one, and I am waiting for shipping. I had to give it a try. I do love the Field. I hope some of the synths, and general usability improvements on the XY float over to the Field.

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I have received tracking notice also. Im located in Norway. Early next week I suppose. It seems to e very few available, judging by this forum and YouTube. It would help on the waiting game to have more videos available or users to give their opinion.
I sold a lot of gear in the last month so it was a no-brainer to give this one a try - one month open shop available locally. Or this or an expressive e osmose - very different, very different use scenario but I can only afford one.

I think what @MichaalHell is saying is that the “brain transpose fx” affects the midi track when is one of the instrument tracks, but not when its the midi track available as an auxiliar track. At least it’s what I read of it.


Are there any settings to control CV output ranges? E.g: 1.0 vs 1.2 v/oct and also -/+5 V vs 0-10V? The latter is particularly important for Buchla 200e, where negative voltages can cause serious damage.

I wish we were able to choose faster shipping for an extra cost with TE. I am also on west coast and this is gonna be a long week…

@MichaalHell Is there a particular reason that players cannot be parameter locked? Did this come up at all during the beta?

And one more thing I’m curious about: What’s the reason that you have to hold a note + record to see that note’s step pattern, rather than just holding the note?

Again thanks for taking all of our questions!

No scala files sadly, there are a set default microtonal scales and then you have 8 user scales which you set yourself.

Yup core midi,
I use an expressive e Touche as both input for OP-XY and output via its midi trs to send midi to the rest of my synths from OP-XY via USB.




There are two types of midi out engines. One is fixed on the AUX page (aux has brain, punch in fx, tape loop etc.) and that midi engine is not affected by brain.

Then there is the external engine which is a midi out engine that you place on the synth page. This is affected by brain.

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No worries. :slight_smile: I think while I posted a searchable PDF here which I OCRd and shared on my google drive, the other one linked is not by me. Mine is encoded with PDFScanner 2024.2 and the other is encoded with 3-Heights™ PDF Security Shell, whatever that is. Anyway, we have searchable PDF manual now :slight_smile:
Sorry I didn’t link you in my first post.

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Aah ok. My bad.

I’ll link your post in my comment.

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