Octatrack with just 1 synth for under $400?

For 400 dollars Mnm in poor condition! :wink:

Before I fell into the eurorack pit, I got a MicroMonsta to go with my OT. Stupidly cheap for what it is. Plus, it’s tiny but has a really nice UI. Still have it and still glad I do :slight_smile:


Shruthi is like 200€ used and sounds amazing, this thing can spit out so much bass and has such a punch.
Awesome synth.
I totally dig the Smr4mk2 (Rolandish) filter :upside_down_face:

Micromonsta also sounds great and both have a good midi implementation.
I have Shruthi and Micromonsta connected to my OT for quite some time now, those two would offer a lot and with a little luck you could get both for 400€ :slight_smile:


I built an Anushri back in 2014 or so and it’s still one of the nicest sounding synths I’ve ever had. Cost about $175 and most of a Saturday soldering.

Not sure if anyone’s supplying a kit these days but it’s still achievable one way or the other, and I imagine you could get one built for you by someone for less than $400 even if they had to have the PCBs custom made.

Anushri + Octatrack chorus can get surprisingly Rolandy (I used to share a practice space with a band who used multiple SH-101s and Juno 60s back when those were still budget synths, and I’ve had a Juno 6 for years, and I’ve had a x0xb0x for even longer, made with the old NOS ICs and transistors back when those were still obtainable - the Anushri sounds every bit as good as any of those - not the same but absolutely on the same level). I’ve had a Mother32 for a few years and I prefer its UI to the Anushri in some ways, but the Anushri sounds quite a bit better to me - the M32 sounds kind of bland in comparison, especially the filter - the Anushri filter is kind of like a combination of the best qualities of a classic Roland filter and a Moog ladder filter, IMO. As a bonus even though the drum sounds in the Anushri are only minimally editable from the front panel, they’re not actually simple crossfades between different samples like I thought when I first made it - the kick in particular has pretty deep editing available via MIDIand can get all kinds of sounds that are pretty far removed from the built in ones. For a while I was usign the OT to edit custom drum sounds on the Anushri and using it as a simple drum module AND an SH-101-esque monosynth. It’s kind 0f sad that Olivier decided to disown his early desktop synths because IMO they’re still the best sounding stuff Mutable actually did. I’ve built plenty of stuff before and since and the Anushri is still the best sounding of the lot.

EDIT: current production PCBs are $40 on Modularaddict.

Looks like the going price for a ued one is under $400USD on Reverb these days, a couple years ago people were trying to get twice that, which was dumb. It’s a great synth but not THAT great.

Anushri sounds amazing.

They pop up every now and then on classified websites for reasonable prices.
Few years ago it seemed impossible to get one, hard to find even if you were willing to pay a silly price…

Btw, you can still order full kits for Shruthi/Shruthi XT(now called Phoenix/Phoenix XT) and Ambika (now called Tubika) from Tubeohm


I like the Neutron ALOT. I’m hearing good things about the MicroFreak as well.

Watch the review by Stimming for the Microfreak, it’s great. (I bought one :grinning:)

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I second @J.m but I have the black desktop module (not the keys). I’ve owned it for almost 3 years, never had a freeze or any buggy business & use it in multi-mode as well.

I know a lot of people don’t care for the matrix, but I personally enjoy it. I feel it’s easy & quick to move around in plus we get 4 knobs to adjust parameters on every page.

Used prices now it’s a steal IMO. A wide range of sounds can be made & there are a lot of adjustable parameters. If you have an Analog Heat, then even better, the AH makes the Blofeld sound soooooo gooooood (I love how everything sounds thru the AH).

I feel the effects are almost unusable in multi mode (at least on my unit). The effects seem to be too much for it when using them on more than 1 sound in multi-mode & a lot of artifacts get added. Personally I love sampling my synth melodies for further manipulation anyways & I love my hardware effects boxes, so I’m good with using 1 Blofeld sound at a time & when jamming in multimode I just don’t use it’s effects.

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