Octatrack 'save to new'

I am struggling a bit with templates. I made a basic template to get a quick start with some external instruments and the OT.

What is the best way to save that template after I have been jamming a while? Easiest way (to me) would be that I could copy a Template-project on the cf-card, open the copy and make some tunes then save and rename it. But that is not possible, is it?

Definitely possible with SAVE TO NEW function that basically copy the current state project.

I use an template name with a special character (@) at the beginning, so that it is at the beginning of the list.
When I want to start something from this template, I use SAVE TO NEW, RENAME* then SAVE : funnily it doesn’t save automatically so it is better to save if you want to be able to RELOAD initial state.

*I replace the character by a letter followed by date at the beginning, in order to have the last project in the end of the list, and a name at the end…

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Thanks @sezare56 !

So if I understand you correctly:

Open the template project-> save to new -> rename -> save project -> change stuff and the template won’t be affected, only the new one.

Since you can copy and paste virtually everything on Elektron boxes, I was assuming you could directly copy and paste a project as well. But I was wrong, I guess…

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That’s it.
Another way is to SAVE TO NEW after you modified the template project. But it can be risky if you SAVE template by mistake, you loose your original settings.
You can make a backup of the template though.

Advantage : you can mess with the template to experiment things, and if you don’t want to keep it, reload the template.

Should be possible in File Manager, but it would be longer.

Anyway SAVE AS NEW makes a copy of current project, without copying saved files (hence no saved state to reload).

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Thx again! I think I got this now.

Tried that, but it only copies directories, not a complete project structure.

AFAIK the complete project structure is in its directory. So you can copy projects in the File Manager.
(The problem is renaming in another directory)

Yeah, I couldn’t figure out where to paste the copied directory.

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6 PUMs, two THRU here. Each THRU has thre PUMs available to record from it, so I can preprocess my inputs a bit (flex+track recorded would work, too, but I don’t need to do anything but adjust the levels and add some reverb to the inputs right now so I’d rather stick with THRU and keep the latency a bit lower).