Octatrack OS Bug Reports

Just saw it. Tomorrow maybe!

Iā€™m pretty sure it is a bug @sezare56

No problems here. OT Mk1 with 1.30B.

Edit; no sorry, Iā€™m getting clicks and popsā€¦

I used a 16th note sequence for the second test and it clicks on the static machine.
For the first test I had only four notes put in the midi track which didnā€™t produce clicks when played back in a static slot.


Thanks @Schnork I sent in a bug report :+1:


@darenager I tested with a long recording (more than 64 bars), seemed more clicky with statics, less if sequenced.


Yes I noticed it occurs less if sequenced but still does it (that was how I first noticed it, with the track playing solo) I donā€™t ever remember noticing it before on earlier versions when using statics, it could be the sample I was using made it easier to notice though and because nothing else was playing why I might have missed it before, although probably someone else would have discovered it if it was there before.

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Pro tip : put hihats everywhere, you wonā€™t hear clics anymore. :content:


Haha, but what if the hihats click? :laughing:

Take them out of course :crazy_face:


OS 1.40 here.
I use my Launchpad pro mk3 to send program change to the OT. I just updated to OS 1.40 and now PC 0 is corresponding to the Bank I pattern 01 (and not Bank A pattern 01 as before and as it should be).

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Just for book keeping (OS 1.40 MK1/MK2):

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I suggest we gather bugs for the new OS in the same place: