Octatrack OS Bug Reports

LOL. What sophisticated instrument is “100 %” and has no bugs? What machine compares with the OT in terms of functions? Why do you say it’s overpriced when …


Just because I said I’d never get rid of mine because there is no other machine that really competes as far as code goes (ableton+ a cheap laptop aside) that doesn’t really qualify as my validating the OT’s high price so long after release. You ever been on a ferry and had to pay like £2.50 for a bag of crisps or something because there are no other options? It’s bullshit right? Maybe you’re someone who’d argue that because there are no other options available in the middle of the ocean then that’s fair enough and it’s worth it. I always think it just sucks… [/quote]
it’d only suck if the bag of chips (crisps to you brits) were stale
and i guess
some could say the OT has gone stale.

You lot on the forum are the testers. I suspect that the developers musicianship can only go so far. You lot are always so inventive and creative in the way you use your OT’s so if anyone can find something that broke after an update you are the people to do it.

I have to say much to their credit that they Elektron respond pretty fast hence the emergence of E to H pretty fast.

However I guess it can be frustrating for you guys that use it live whereas as a newbie hobbyist it doesn’t affect me so much.

i’m still on 1.25d, not touching the new os until its steady.
no issues with bugs here, it runs fairly smooth but i don’t use pickup machines so… ?
if you have problems with normal use, its safe enough to assume human error !!

Hello! I just bought a new octatrack yesterday with os 1.25D installed. Is D a stable version or should I update to the new os? Thank you.

Yeah the recent flurry of updates is vaguely encouraging. Though after 4+ years I’d have thought there shouldn’t really be any major bugs remaining and that things would have been tried to get sorted before moving so much energy to new things (over bridge…). I know the code is probably insanely complicated but unless there are some new features added in an OS it seems like others have mentioned that it’s just a case of ‘choose your bug’ rather than choose your os version, which isn’t the most inviting/exciting proposal… Like everyone else says/thinks, I’d LOVE to see some of the seemingly straight forward os addition suggestions taken on board and implemented by elektron on the current OT before they hang up OT development. But if that’s unrealistic then hopefully they can at least get rid of all the current problems in one OS version. Can’t be an easy job for them but no one forced them to sign up for it…

OS 1.30B


still wrong after at least 3.5 years

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Could you sum up what’s wrong ?

well, there’s two modes of playing pickup machines which don’t exist

a slave with no marking and a master with too many markings

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Something strange.
Octatrack midi out > Mpc 500 in.
Empty sequence in Mpc 500.

Bank 2, I have a Thru on track 2, and no trigs nor midi channels on midi tracks. If I unmute midi track 4, Mpc 500 is playing sounds !? :sketchy:

Bank 1, only Static machines, DIR = 0, midi tracks playing Mpc 500, and I can hear it but, no Thru machines, no trigs ? :zonked:

If I mute Static track 2, it cut the incoming sound.
It is like Bank 1 and Bank 2 were with shared settings, but I didn’t copy any part.

First time I have something that weird.
Any idea ? Halloween isn’t over ?

It was a new project, only midi tracks settings.
I changed to bank 2, only audio settings, tried to reproduce @alex3368 issue, worked well for me, but I found weird behaviors after, when I came back to bank 1.

Parts can be related with different banks ?
I didn’t do anything with parts, except changing Bank 2 / Patt 2 part in order to change Track 2 Thru to Flex. No copy at all.
I don’t understand Octatrack if Bank 2 parts changes can change Bank 1 parts. .

Anyway, I had midi notes out, without any midi channel set, and no trigs !
Octatrack sequencer can’t send notes without midi tracks, with midi channels set to off.
Audio tracks don’t send midi notes (Only Chromatic mode send). Nothing in Ot’s midi in.

Can’t do any serious test right now, @Open_Mike Thanks for clever clues, check them later.

I just hope I just made stupid mistakes, I shot a short video, too big for upload unfortunately.

It’s the first time after 3 years using Ot I ask about a weird behavior.
I mean a weird behavior I didn’t want ! :smile:

Help. I just updated the Octa, went from clearing flash to this. Update file on memcard. I can access function page, test passes ok but machine refuses to progress from here. Any suggestions MUCH appreciated.

After memory card upgrade failed I dug out my iConnectivity audio card to do it via midi and this happens. Two LEDS slowly light up and then the error message on screen. This is a second hand octatrack and haven’t needed to update it before but I have managed just fine with my 3 other Elektrons and made no error? Any ideas before I jump on support?

Sorry, I can’t help, I worked for me with .bin file.

I have weird behaviors with parts.
Exemple : If I record with part 1, it takes part 2 rec setup settings !? :zonked:

@alex3368 is that your problem too ?

I think I found out what’s the problem :
The Rec Setup keeps last tweaked settings, even if you tweak it in another part.
Don’t know what to do with this, it seems to be a bug.

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Could someone confirm ? @avantronica, should I fill a support ticket ? How ?

I can take a look in about 20 minutes, I haven’t been using parts much at all lately so it’s not something I would have stumbled on since I updated.

If I’m understanding your description right, I should start a new project, go to part 2, change some settings in Rec Setup, and then check to see if the changes are still there when I switch back to part 1. Correct?


Thanks, correct.
To check, you have to listen the recording. Parameters won’t change visually in part 1.
For tests, I set In AB for part 1 and In CD for part 2. I used a rec trig.
It would be interesting to test it with previous Os, H or E.

I just tested this, not having the same behaviour, very odd. This was an old 1.25h project though.

Edit: Actually have not tried any new projects since the update. :zonked:

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Maybe you can test with a new project ?
I use Thru for pattern 1 part 1 track 1 and a Flex playing the recording on pattern 2 part 2 track 1.