Octatrack OS 1.40: bug reports

What is the issue?
The PC is sent only once. You can send it again with double stop, or change it manually, or change pattern AND part.

I mean it was stuck on preset 1 whatever I do, hitting play or stop or whatever.
I had to insist multiple times before the data is sent.

I forgot to ask, PC sent with midi track or SYNC page? (I thought it was midi track, not sure).
Do you want to sync machines patterns or change patches?

SYNC page is set to Send PC, channel on 16.
On the MIDI track 1, I play midi trigs that send notes to the microfreak. On the SRC page, the channel is on 2 (the MFk channel), BANK is on 0 and PROG is on 4 (to call preset 5).

It used to work flawlessly before the update, but now the behavior seems a bit random…

MK1. Almost every (created on previous OS version) project has issue with output: the only track 1 routes to the master, others are showing, that sample is playing, but no sound. When I send it to cue - sound routes into cue outputs/phones, but master keeps silent (except track 1)

Confirm also issue with switching patterns, e.g. I’m switching from A01 to B01, when I choose bank B it works, but pattern is not, after pressing button it keeps in the state of “BANK B SELECT PATTERN”. This issue happens from time to time.

In oder to sync other gear?
Pattern 1, bank 1?

Do you think it sends PC0 instead of PC4 on channel 2?
What if you change patterns?
What if you disable SYNC?

while FUNC + ARR is held, the screen flashes between the project page and the arrange mode page

probably a hardware fault :confused:

Anyone has this bug where the Parts get all messed up, only after you reload the Part.

First pattern change in the video is without a Reload, and the second one is.

work around:

After I reload the part, if I quickly save it again, when I change patterns everything is ok.

According to the weird behavior, I really think it’s a bug, not a wrong setting. I used to set this before with no problem.

Sorry, dont know how to quote…

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Probably, but ideally can you list the minimum steps needed to reproce that bug?
From a new project.


To quote I make a selection, a “quote” option pops up (Android, Iphone, Windows).
Or you can write like this, whitout spaces :

[ quote=“Andrevon” ]
[ /quote ]

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Are you asking because you’re part of the development?
I will take the time to detail the process, I didn’t make music today but surely will tomorrow.

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They’re asking cos if no one else can recreate the bug, it is almost impossible to fix!


Of course

No, it’s because he knows it by heart, being the OT wizard ^^


When i change pitch on a flex track, it all of a sudden changes the pitch on whatever sound is coming in on the through track. And sometimes the pitch effect does not go away even though i change the pitch back to where it was… What is going on here am i just not noticing something or is this a bug???

THRU tracks don’t know pitch.
Could it be that OT encoder is sending some CC to the machine plugged to your inputs? Set encoders to INTernal only, not EXTernal, there are chances it solves your problem.


You’re right, I don’t even have to check… I often forget to turn receive cc of on my M:C on a new project! I usually figure that out when I trigger a note from the OT on the M:C… I knew I had to be fucking up somehow, because I knew THRU don’t have pitch hahaha


Looks like this update is not creating issues as I had with my AR or A4.
Going to do it, the new features are too good to pass :slight_smile:

Yes, I think the same after having followed this thread of bugs, I updated last night. For the moment without problems!

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