Octatrack: mono inputs

I would like to use midi tracks to external gear but Ideally I’d like to use 4 inputs in mono or at least 1 stereo and 2 mono, anyway thanks for your help.

Thanks, I’m travelling at the mo and just have 1 other instrument with me, so I’m gonna learn more about the actual Octatrack and will come back to you for help when Ii get back to doing more stuff with external midi.:grinning:

Which audio tracks CCs do you want to use ?
You can set CC to external only.

I just found this topic, it’s a shame that you can’t monitor a mono source with the DIR method without resulting to Left or Right channel only.

There are so many imperfections in OT. This is one of these indeed.


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Well, despite that this adapter is not technically suited, my ultimate goal would be to mix 4 mono instruments.

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Best bet is small mixer before going into the OT. The OT is not going to change I guess,… so the user must adapt or change their way(s).

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Bumping to see if there are any updates here. I’d really like to be able to direct monitor a mono source in mono…

NO. (I guess you mean with DIR)

Feature request. We’d need 4 DIR levels, different settings, an additional mixer page.

Feature request.

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Okay, so I solved the problem. Ties up an input but frees up a track (this is a better deal for me):

For $9CAD I’m in business.

I’ve never understood this limitation. Why did they design it like this?

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Probably they were more exited about other complicated features, weren’t thinking about simple ones. Not finished.

It’s a DJ mixer, designed for stereo programme material.


I get that but at least give the option to direct monitor mono stuff. I love my OT, I just wish it had this capability. Certainly not a dealbreaker for me. I have other Elektron boxes that will do it. The DJ thing makes sense. I don’t think they can change it or add functionality at this point. Maybe I’m wrong.

(misguided rant removed cuz it was user/noob error)

I’d love to have mono control option for A,B,C,D in mixer page, for sure, but in the meantime using thru machines is not so bad, depending on what you are doing/want to achieve. For example using parts can mean that you don’t really need to tie up 4 tracks permanently, by using track recorders you can capture your 4 mono inputs from thru tracks then switch to a different part which repurposes those 4 tracks to other track types.

Obviously it isn’t ideal for every scenario but sometimes it can be an ok compromise.


Would it be possible to add a simple update in the firmware to allow us to sample in mono? I’d really like to sample my bass guitar for example, without having it automatically convert the recording buffer to a stereo recording.

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Its twin mono though. So… whats the big deal?

You can sum stereo samples to mono in the audio editor if you want to.

I dont see any memory limitations on octatrack, since it can save samples to the enormous flash card and play them from there. No problem.

Using a thru machine doesnt mean sacrificing a track. If you have a sampling part set up on your project can nip over to that part, sample, save it, then go back your working pattern and use the sample. Exactly the same as doing it in an ableton set (add audio track, sample, then drop into your arrangement or clips page).

What you see infront of you is only a tiny fraction of what the OT can do. Look beyond its physical construct…

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It being twin mono wouldn’t matter if there is a way to pan a sound in the left channel of a sample into center. Does the spatializer set to width zero achieve this?

Just because there are ways to work around things does not mean the sample memory is infinite; I would love to record a full set directly on the Octatrack if I could. 85.5MB of memory is tiny in 2021.

Recording is a separate issue, what really surprises me are the missed opportunities for routing flexibility because one can only bus things to A B or C D; it’s not possible to simulate the mono aux sends of your average mixer to have a dedicated reverb or guitar pedal as a send receive without jumping through multiple hoops.

The Octatrack allows me to achieve things nothing else on the market can do but it is also full of downright bizarre gotchas and when I encounter those gotchas for the first time it can be very frustrating, especially as I try to figure out if I can I use it and a midi controller without an external mixer for live gigs.