Octatrack MKII Anniversary Edition

If you find out how to do this pleas let me know. My fader cap is on the way out. I’m serious

Got any specifics on this? @merv I’m not disputing just curious what as I have not come across any.

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That’s the best OT suggestion I’ve seen yet!

Your grey trinity has been out for a couple of years, and hopefully you’ve had a lot of fun making music on them in that time. A new coat of paint isn’t going to make your machines more special, the time you put into them is.


Beautiful. Would it be possible to buy the chassis alone to replace the grey one? Or at least the face plate? If not, what if something happened to my grey chassis, some random accident, totally an unexpected accident, could I get it fixed into black? :wink:


Let’s agree to keep that on a side note :smiley:


my guess is it’ll be the same as this one but without the top left logo and with grey/black rec buttons instead of red :slight_smile:

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Can you list them please? I’d like to know what to look out for.

I wonder what will happen to the pricing… RYTM Mk2.5 is still at a raised price compared to the old mk2. They might discount that eventually. But the new Octas could also get a price bump. In which case, used grey mk2s might actually go up a bit


Yeah, 150$ more in Canada.


Up a couple of hundred Euros too, but this is the special edition… Extra content etc. We’ll have to see what happens after that…

Which is an absolutely joke, btw. (as a black anniversary OT edition for nearly 400€ plus).
Indeed, they fit together nicely from this point of view.
/rant off


It looks really nice but I have to pass. I have mark 1 and need cash for other stuff.

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True and a bit sad. The Anniversary Edition could turn out to be just an Instagram Edition, for 350 accounts with a badge.

I hope not.

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Now might be the time to go for those $600 BLACK mk1s.

Heck, why not get two. Will still leave you enough money for you to tell your partner how you actually saved money buying two Octatracks.


OT with trig preview :exploding_head:


well, you might even get 3 2nd hand MK1-units for that price tag :rofl::rofl::rofl:


When firmware?

nice promo video :mechanical_arm: