octatrack -> OT midi out -> kenton midi thru -> midi to usb cable -> camera connection kit -> ipad.
playing in chromatic mode on midi track on OT
I know information gets to the ipad because a note will play
however it seems to be holding notes down.
ims-20 app, notes are held (you can see on the screen the notes are being held down after i stop hitting it)
animoog, same thing. i see the notes held down after i stop pressing the key on the OT
both apps worked fine when I just played the keys normally on the screen
impossible for it to be a midi loop because 1) animoog had midi out set to off and 2) the “midi out” connector of the usb->midi adapter isn’t connected to anything at all.
sounds like either you have an issue in your midi chain or other messages travelling with the note info are causing the app midi to hang. in order to isolate the problem can you do a little troubleshooting ?
[li]have you got access to a midi monitoring app like midiwrench ?
[li]can you test with a midi keyboard straight into the iPad ?[/li]
[li]can you test the OT sending midi notes to another synth, bypassing the kenton first, then through the kenton?[/li]
[li]can you test the midi to usb cable with a computer connection ?[/li]
i use an Alesis IO dock 2 with the ipad… havent had any problems
also would like to add it makes the ipad into an actual studio device with stereo 1/4" ins and outs, plus standard MIDI connections… also charges the ipad at the same time
its like a whole new world, makes the ipad work as a legit sound module, along with all the other weirdo apps/manglers/etc…
its fucking great… running audiobus with multiple apps, I had the OT sequencing Korg M1, Arturia iSpark and the Waldorf Nave all at the same time, without a hitch
next thing is i need is a patchbay for routing inputs between OT and AK and the iPad… the shit will be craaaaaaaaazy
Well, to be exact, it sends NoteOn with velocity 0, that’s not the exact same as NoteOff, but valid and uses lower bandwidth.
Anyway, I got an issue with a HW synth that needs a real NoteOff, but currently in my support ticket it seems that won’t change any time soon.
That’s a bit sad as DAWs and other gear send real NoteOff as any synth in the world works with that.
This is a real showstopper for seqencing animmog from octatrack. Spent the whole afternoon to find out, why there are still coming notes into animoog even there was nothing going on on my octa.
Good to know now the reason for my problem. Sometimes it’s just better to buy a good piece of hardware than endless fiddling around to make iOS apps playing correctly.
In fact stuck notes happen when the sound generator don’t receive Notes OFF (or Note On with velocity = 0, as OT does)
If you are still receiving new notes it’s a different problem.
It can be due to an arp with LEN = INF and part change, I had asimilar problem once, so please describe a bit more your problem to be sure.
No, ipad receives notes - see it in ableton in my external instrument. audiointerface is a focusrite. sending notes from octa to focusride back to octa > midi thru > irig midi > ipad on channel 9. I play a note on the octratrack and the ipad receives this note and many more most of the time. when the ipad plays recorded notes from the sequencer it becomes just a mess of played notes. by pressing stop nothing happens. First after switching the midi sync button in the settings the ipad stops receiving notes.
Tried the the same with Model D and Gadget, so has probably nothing to do with the app.
Arpregiator is in Mode OFF, LEN is 1/16.
Has it maybe something to do with the Midi Thru?
strange, strange, it was temporary solved. same problem with the other midi out. worked for maybe 5 minutes - now again the same wrong behaviour. all the cc stuff is off, only want play notes and sequence apps. have no double channels for midi. everything in midi setting should be correct.