Octatrack 1.40

Ahh, yes thanks Peter Party Pooper :laughing:


I never knew sezare had a YT channel, thanks!
And rocking the original, the authentic, the distinguished OT Mk 1.
Often imitated, never equaled



Long time not seen … welcome back, Mike!


Welcome back @Open_Mike :partying_face:


@Open_Mike welcome back sir!


And the Korg KP3 from 2006 is close. It’s a very limited sampler, but it’s what got me into sampling in the first place so I’m going to say it counts!

Edit: I only remembered after clicking “post” that I have it as my avatar :laughing:


I think Elektron has been very clever utilizing the pandemic to please their customers with the new Updates and facelifting their gear in black. In those uncertain times, they kept the costs low but they certainly kept the joy high.


It does, I can’t remember if I’ve posted in it. Anyways, thank you @Elektron if I didn’t!!

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Had the same problem :expressionless:


have run into an issue…Ive P-Locked MIDI notes. if I make any changes to the encoders while trying to setup up out going CC…the note values played change. they are either not stable and fluctuate between the value set and some other random value. or they change all together even tho the P-Locked value is the same.

it seems like the note values are being affected by an LFO or something. :frowning:

I found a Bug :rofl:

I was curious about Gaz giving a heart to @vasilymilovidov.

2020-12-04 (2)

(Octatrack 1.40)

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I have an AK…I’m wondering if you might have something in your head I’m not thinking about. I have used the OT arp in the past to control the AK keyzones. 128 different fm drum sounds. Super fun, but the other way around, I don’t know. Could I midi loop back from the AK? Seems poosible. Sorry so late on the reply, but you said this yesterday and I’m trying to think what you are thinking :upside_down_face:

I’m thinking with the slices and slots being midi controlled using multimap zones on different midi channels could allow some interesting splits, I have not tried anything yet though.

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Oh Okay. So, each zone playing a track of samplechains. That makes great sense. Might have to try it. Thank you

Yeah I’m thinking for realtime recording it could be useful to come up with serendipitous stuff.


I tested several settings and precised some “rules” about it in @Kacper thread.
IIRC I didn’t experienced freezes, just scary artefacts you can solve by setting the copied reverb to another fx or none.

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Pretty happy to read you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
So I’m not the only one, :innocent:
so thank you for your feedback, :hugs:
waiting for the bug correction update :shushing_face:
will continue to use a midi processor for now :worried:

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A brief interlude among all the Octatalk, just ‘cause it’s an impressive story. Back in 2012, I fulfilled - so I thought - my long held dream of getting a PPG Waveterm A for my Wave 2.2. I’d been looking for one for years, but only a handful ever crossed over to these shores. A well-known musicians/DJ offered me a deal on one he’d had flown over from Europe to use with his own PPG. A look at the photos revealed all of the earmarks of the Waveterm A, including rear panel XLR input, 8” floppy drives, and the word “Waveterm” printed up top. So I made the deal.

Alas, when the unit arrived, it was not a Waveterm A, having been subjected to a factory upgrade to “B” status and, therefore, would not operate with my Wave 2.2.

I was crushed. I decided to keep it, though, and search for a Wave 2.3. I mentioned my plight on Facebook (for the scant year I had an account). PPG main man Wolfgang Palm caught wind of the situation and created an entirely new Waveterm B update that would allow my Waveterm and Wave 2.2 to communicate with one another. I was blown away by this. An update three decades after the original product’s release! And to add even more icing to the cake, it was delivered to me on 8” floppy disk.

I wonder if we’ll be celebrating an Octatrack update in another 20 years? I certainly hope so. But for now I am going to enjoy the new goodies in 1.40. Oh, and if you think the Octatrack is confusing with its tiny display, the Waveterm is positively brain-boggling despite its massive CRT screen.


@Open_Mike Glad to see you back Mike - I was worried about your absence during these strange times.


Be aware 'nauts that you need to untick “PREVIEW WITHOUT FX” in the SYSTEM->PERSONALIZE project settings to hear your lovely FX1 or FX2 trig p-locks when using the new trig preview functionality (hold trig and YES) - caught me out this evening.

Man. What an amazing update. Happy out in Dublin tonite…