Octatone merging

@sezare56 I was wondering if you knew anything about this regarding numerous lfo tracks from OT midi on one CC target?

Yes unfortunately if CCs are the same on different tracks, only the lowest number track can send that CC. You can mute it to allow the next track to send the CC.

You also can’t use 2 similar CCs on a track to send 2 consecutive values on 1 step, but I guess you can use several lfos with same target, but it’s probably better to modulate an lfo with another one.


Ok thanks for that.

@luktus, thanks for more details.
If you think with you can’t play a note with TRC, I’d definitely use a midi monitor to check that.
I use Miditest or MIDIOX on windows.

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@Spheric_El yes. But sometimes it just don’t like it happened yesterday. I even tried the trick with a new project on both devices. I will need to borrow a USB midi cable to watch the captured Midi traffic.

At the moment I can’t even throw a MIDI note even after a power cycle, I’m trying since yesterday.

I’m doing your reversed method rn and it’s starting to set interesting results. I set midi notes to Int and changing all the other channels to match the tracks only. I will post the whole process one I’m 100% sure it will works even with my QUADRA THRU.
Thanks ! I can see conditional trigs work at the moment. I hope it still will when I apply those settings to my main project.


Seems your getting it sorted but in the future you can always check if the OT is receiving midi by checking the pixel indicator to the upper left of the bpm…

There are two pixels by the bpm that indicate midi activity. The left one blinks when midi is received and the right one blinks when midi is sent…

Not quite as good as using a midi monitor as it won’t tell you what the midi data is, but it can quickly tell you if it’s receiving something and then if the OT is not reacting you’ll know that it’s the wrong note/cc or some wrong midi config on OT. If it’s not blinking you’ll know it’s something on the sending device…


Thank you @Open_Mike.
I didn’t know about that.
I have tried @Spheric_El 's method, but I’m stuck again Lol, it suddenly worked, including conditionnal MIDI trigs, but I lost it again! It worked when I filtered more midi messages, changed channels, set Auto CH. To off…
I am slowly getting to something but guess what, now I’ve got the issue with Xfader controlling only one DN Operator B. It’s funny but I’m very close to lose my mind lmfao
The for the trick!

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I haven’t really studied the details of the thread but looks like you got some solid help comming from the wonderful operators @ :elot: helpline. :smile:

Hang on to your sanity! You’ll get there…


I’d be suspicious of your midi cable.
Try a replacement.

And keep the breakout box out the equation for time being.

Is that really possible for a midi cable to filter MIDI “on purpose” lol?
Because I cannot resolve this rn, so I made a big table with all the MIDI settings from both devices. I can see my DN doesn’t even get the tempo and the transp. whereas these twos are correctly set up on the other project.
I’d analyse those with MIDIOX but I can’t because I don’t even have USB midi cables…

However, I’ve been using these cables for years now and I’ll get some new ones to taste, plus, I highly doubt the problem is not coming from myself lol

You guys might want to throw an eye on the tables? I am going to reproduce the scheme on a [/details] balisis but i’m so lazy i want stuff to work now I feel my brain digging is reaching the max depth of my very small head ahah

Once again I seriously thank you all for all the answers, I know I will make it right this weekend

Okk, still not figured it out… I’m going to post that table now.octatone.pdf (60.4 KB) Here is the complete MIDI set up that I have made. In bold and colored are the settings and parameters I felt important to set up. If anyone equipied with OT+DN could try this setup it would be really amazing.

CC direct connect is activated on the OT to MIDI learn some knobs!
We figured out DN has to be one scale up to send the notes I want.
Doesn’t work with any of your tips so far, except Spheric_El ‘s solution I applied to a new project. Obviously, I can’t reproduce it anyway so I will have to show you this table as last resort

Thank you very much! cheers.

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That’s not an issue. That’s normal. The Xfader is only meant to control internal settings of the OT. To the outside world it just communicates its fader position with a single CC. By accident and not by indention this CC matches the CC used by the DN for Ratio B.

I haven’t followed your ongoing journey in detail (especially how you connected everything via MIDI), but just from a few posts I guess you fighting with MIDI loop problems. Why are both devices sending clock? That doesn’t make any sense to me.


Yes @tnussb. Maybe @luktus will listen to you. Apparently he listened every tip. Probably not mine.

Midi debugging is not simple. Midi monitors are more than helpful to identify faulty gear (with probable wrong settings). Several machines included with midi loop? :smile:


@tnussb for me it was not an issue either, and actually it became one more tool because I could control the operator B to every track with the xfader and that was a happy accident :slight_smile:
the true issue I’ve had was DN sending CCs to OT while playing with the knobs. (I need to learn to reload part more often) I deactivated it as the .PDF shows. @sezare you are clearly the first person I thought about when I posted :slight_smile: don’t worry I will try to monitor the outgoing MIDI traffic and see what happens there.
Tried yesterday night after posting, on another octatrack and witnessed one more fail.
It’s frustrating because I’ve had it working perfectly for a few minutes including conditional midi trigs.

DN clock sends is supposed to send a transport message too, so obviously there are loops and crashes, and if it was that simple, I would not have posted and I can imagine there would not be that much answers ahahh :slight_smile:
I ll post the same Table as it works again, but I fear it’s being random sh*t happening to me like always lmfao I’ll be twice as satisfied when I’ll sort it out!

Thanks !

@sezare56 no other faulty midi devices included in the loop, except the QuadraThru and I already have removed it from the setup to exclude the other synths and the Kaoss
I can try to get the DN USB cable going to a Windows computer that runs midiox, but I may miss the OT part… It is for sure a filtering issue. That must be it.

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It is not only that you have 2 clock signals going around but also CCs. It’s no wonder that you experience problems after a while. The messages go round until some buffer gives up. Until you break the MIDI loop you will not get a stable setup.

Just set ENCODER DST to INT (instead of INT+EXT) and the DN will not send CCs from its knobs anymore.

As I said above: it’s clearly your MIDI looping setup and not random sh*t. What looks like “random” is just a kind of time racing when MIDI buffers will overflow and the received messages gets misinterpreted or dropped.

So “no” - it doesn’t happen to you due to some malfunctioning or bugs, but you set it exactly up this way.

IMHO its a “you can’t have your cake and eat it (at the same time)” situation. MIDI is designed to work in a master/slave setup and not with two masters which are part time slaves, too.


thank you for the complete answer. I believe you wrote something simillar on another thread saying OT cannot manage several tracks assigned to the same channel, so I openned a 376th empty project and double checked there was no tracks with the same channels, except the ones I cant to master and slave

yup, that works, but how can it be that on the same menu, even with receive notes checked, it still doesn’t receive the DN notes? :frowning:

I checked the master clock on the DN because, I thought MIDI notes would be transmitted with the ‘Transport’ sequence ; and the DN includes the transport mode in its master clock, but my OT was the master in the first place. I have read somewhere else I might need a midi merger but as in my setup i just wanted one more cable only from the DN to the OT, and that I’ve had the setup working at least once 100% working, i assume I can do it again.

So I unchecked all weird settings and made it simple and logical, from scratch. and now even when I re-check OT’s EXT+INT CCs out to DN, DN doesn’t receive the Xfader anymore and DN notes (according to the corresponding track) still doesn’t fire track recorders. Receive notes are checked too, and all the channels are different except DN Midi T1 : CH5 and OT Audio T5 : CH5. Hitting notes in the good range, nothing…
Think I could capture MIDI traffic from both devices with one USB cable?
Think my few crashed and loop freezes could have damaged the cables or the machines ? I’m starting to freak out lol cause the more I read the more I feel worried 'bout it because everything is clear on the paper (i.e the manual lmfao)
Even tried to switch the MIDI cables as there are almost synths only I can assure MIDI notes are still being transmitted to the other gears

=== === ===

EDIT : I am looking for other solutions, but I might get a proper SRC3 rec on the fly by setting my track rec properly and hit [Tx] + [MIDI] and destroy the live sample.
If that works (because I used to rec INAB only by hitting [Tx] + [REC], without any source it would record nothing lol) the goal will be to conditional trig this amazing feature from the DN. I am still searching the web for OTs that don’t receive MIDI notes and see with other elektronoid speces how they do…
Quadruple checked OT ‘receive notes’, Track channels, and hunted the MIDI loops, still nothing so far… Super excited to try out this workaround freshly found in the manuel.

Starting down the road of the Octatone and I’ve got a question. I have the OT doing all melodic sequencing so that I can treat each pattern on the DN as a kit. It’s glorious cause I can do live tweaks across patterns. WOO!

Anyways, I’m trying to soundlock certain sounds to steps on the DN. For example, on trig 1 DN, I have one sound that plays when the OT plays its trig 1, and on trig 9 DN I have another sound locked in, but when the OT plays its trig 9, it still plays the original sound. I have the DN trigs locked in via triggerless (green) trigs. Does this even work? Am I missing something?

I tried trigless on OT, A4 or MD, external midi was playing default track settings, not the plocked ones. I guess it behaves similarly on all Elektrons…:sketchy: