OctaEdit - Octatrack Software Editor and Librarian [ OSX / Windows ]

I like this suggestion.

I took the first pass at writing a short users guide for the third-party Volca Sample update. Writing that helped me understand the update more and get more out of the “new” Sample.

@Rusty I’d be down for trying my hand at a section. Of course you’d still need to proof it for mistakes etc., but at least you wouldn’t have to write it from scratch. Lemme know!

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Hey @Rusty

I hope everything went great with your exams. If you have a moment, would you mind sending me a link so I can purchase OctaEdit?

Thanks in advance!

I can do the the mystical prose part.

No comment on the other stuff.

I don’t / not really viable I’m afraid; and has other issues etc.

Appreciate the offer :slight_smile:

But documentation is all ~80%/90% complete; circa to change. And there are tooltips; an embedded floating help window; and the manual that all need to interconnect.

Well, I finished them, so guess that ticks the “I tried” box at least…

Not today, looking at a complex bit of code / problem which has been distracting me…

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@Rusty Just checking if you had some time this weekend to send me that link. Would really like to dig into my octatrack with OctaEdit. :slight_smile:

What prevents you from digging into the OT right away? It’s a beautiful tool all on its own. You don’t need to wait for anything external.

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I should been a bit more specific I suppose. I’m getting along well with it as it stands. I would just like to use some of the features offered via OctaEdit.


No, not really I am afraid. Best not to wait for me / OctaEdit; just dive in.


hey hey guys(girls?)
Someone have the latest or a link to the latest OE v1.5.7 manual? It’s not present in the install package i downloaded. Obviously its obsolete but maybe I can find some infos about the samples section I struggling with…
Or maybe someone can help : i block the tempo to give priority to it, everythings okay in OE trim etc. But in the OT the trim reacting weird, theres only 1/2s selected so the end point isn’t set well, so i have to manually select entiere sample manually on the OT…
My aim is to fill with load of samples in Flex/Static slots in the audio pool, its a great feature here in OE i can use but i properly can’t for now…
I’m on FW 1.31 >> OT MKII
Thanks in advance

There is no released OE v1.5.7 manual; as I have never released it (Still a WIP) so have to rely on Tooltips / old manual I’m afraid.

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@Rusty When do you anticipating releasing V2?

When it is finished. Or in the immortal words of Bros “I can’t answer that”.

Sorry. That is about all I can say right now.


I know you want Octaedit to be perfect but it’s already crazy dude.
I am waiting so bad for any version.
I regret to didn’t get it when it was still possible to get it a few years ago.
If you made it available again even for 1 day I will rush it.
I don’t care about any new update or even customer service…
Just want to use your tool again,it’s so powerfull!


I appreciate the sentiment. It is all a little bit more complicated then that.

I am dealing with some personal issues at the moment that are affecting my mental and physical health.

I think given the atrocious state of the world at the moment, it would be churlish of me to complain, given so many are worse off then me.

Rest assured that I am working on OctaEdit v2 as and when I can.


when life hits me hard, I remember that we are just a Soul in this temporary body experiencing this life before moving on to something new.
I hope you will get your inner power back soon Rusty, not for Octaedit but for you, so you feel your power again :alien:


Meditation saved my life - I highly recommend this for 20mins a day. Cuts through any problem if you keep disciplined with it. Here’s to healing by going inwards. Respect mate and keep up the good work. :yellow_heart:


It’s super hard for me to feel comfortable doing so, is there a decent introduction? There are guided meditation apps but someone’s voice keeps me from actually clearing my head.

Edit: Sorry Rusty, should’ve kept it to private messaging :slight_smile:


Maybe watch a few videos from this channel:

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Meditation is a wonderful thing, but it often takes a while to settle into a practice. It’s a bit like saying, “Oh, just go for a run” (also a wonderful thing, the running). In the meantime, I can recommend putting on some Alan Watts and cleaning the kitchen.

Keep going Rusty. You’re a prince amongst men.


Great encouragement, folks, but let’s try to get things back on topic. :thup:


I don’t know if meditation is part of the topic but Rusty definitely is…
I am so sad to hear that.
Of course no dude! You got the right to complain.
Time are shitty but no matter what every life is precious, your life is precious and you deserve to be happy and healthy.
And being aware that your case is not the worse just show the fact that you care about other people and global situation.
Everyone as the right to complain when it’s about serious thing.
Hope you find some support around you, and that thing will be better for you in the future you truly deserve it.
Take care