OctaChainer v1.3_

Just saw this comment - and yes, import and export of .ot files (enable the .ot file creation in the settings, ot files only get generated when that is on and the export format is set to stereo 44.1k 16bit or 24 bit).
And for megabreaks, you can import existing chains, split them, then sort by slice number to group the slices in the list so all slice 1’s go in one chain, slice 2 in the next etc.



ive finally gotten around to trying this…AND…
have an issue that someone had asked about but I didnt see a reply.

I put my samples into the chainer, hit CREATE and it crashes.
then I get a message “The default interactive shell is now zsh” [Mac Big Sur]

not a big deal if I cant get it to werk. I just wanted to try it, and wouldn’t mind saving some time sample splicing/slicing. I kinda hate doing it on the micro screen. but not the end of the world.

samples fed to it 24bit 44.1.

any ideas what im doing wrong?

[oh…and this is legit right? dont have to worry about malware?]

SO…seems like if you ADD SILENT SLICE it crashes it.

next thing, anyone have either octachainer or digichain introduce huge clicks to the samples? the samples I put in are good. the sample chain that is exported has majors clicks and pops at each slice

Always worked great with me,
Except for quite a few crashes, usually happening with silent slice or normalize or some other extra feature - in the end i use audacity for all sample processing (and silent slices if needed) and octachainer for simple chaining only - that way it works flawlessly with me (old Mac)

If you are getting clicks and pops out of both Octachainer and DigiChain, that seems like it’s an issue with your audio interface/sound card/audio drivers, as the two apps use very different approaches under the hoods to work with the inputted audio files.

No, interface is solid MOTU 828es integrates perfect with Mac. I tested the same sample chain sliced by hand just to make sure it wasn’t my Octatrack.

Octachainer has minimal clicks. Seems like it happens on more bassy samples. Digichain it happens on 80% of the samples.

Is there a way to check the slice positions? It sounds like it’s cutting the sample early. Or add a couple ms fade in and/or out to each slice, perhaps as an option on chain creation?

What browser are you using for DigiChain?

Edit: moving over to the DigiChain thread DigiChain - web app for making sample chains - #364 by brian3kb


Ran into add silent slice causing crash issue recently too. Wasn’t sure if it was just me though. I guess not.

This should hopefully now be resolved in the latest version I just pushed up :slight_smile:

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Thanks much :+1:t6:


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Well, I just used octachainer for the first time ever.

no idea why it took me so long. better late than never :joy:

it’s totally transformed my approach to the OT. SO much better having everything in chains. no hunting thru folders for a new drum hit, that always slowed me down loads. ultra fast now. Incredible stuff :space_invader:


when making chains would it be wise to keep em to set amounts of slices, say like 16 or whatever, and maybe write the slice amount in the sample title? so you don’t have to think about it on the OT. or does it matter?

I steamrolled ahead without thinkin n just did whole folders, so some of my chains have 63 slices (why is it not 64?), but other will have a random amount as there was less samples remaining at that point.

I only twigged after that it might end up causing headaches when using em.

Yes, I found it’s good practice to put the slice number in the name.


nice. makes sense. n I assume it’s best to keep em to 8, 16, 32, 64 kinda thing for applying quick slice grids?

(I don’t have my octatrack here. it’s currently en route, will be here Monday).

If you make chains for the OT, you don’t need to create evenly spaced grid: .ot file stores the slice markers. It’s good if you have both short and long samples in the chain, you don’t populate the chain with silence.

Don’t hesitate to make your chains mono.
In the case of hits, you rarely need the stereo.


omg, that’s amazin it saves the slice markers.

so you just load the chain, turn on slice mode n the slices will already be setup?

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As long as you transfer the matching .ot file.

I have just been using octachainer to sort the samples from mars stuff I got recently. Most of the drum hits are mono, so that helps save memory. Things like found sounds, and some synth sounds are stereo. Either way, octachainer is good.


