OctaBible aka I Should Write a Book About the Octatrack

I’m in !

As I said on facebook: go ahead!


I work part time in a music library, handling the library’s aquisitions. I would definatly order one copy for the library. And one for myself :innocent:


i would buy it to support the effort :slight_smile:



What Part don’t people understand?
Are they causing a Scene over it?
If your Flexible you should be able to Pickup how things werk, just don’t remain Static.
If your Neighbor has an OT maybe they can see you Thru…
If not this thread suggests maybe something can be Arranged…
Don’t Bank on it though, nauts don’t wanna feel Locked into any Set Pattern, most would rather Play Free… Some are willing to push the Envelope for others to Swing with the groove, but perhaps they should be delay Compensated.
Any way you Slice it, there’s a Slot open for something like this… :grin:


So we got the introduction of the book, or another one with Otistic Poetry? :sparkles:


I’ll take all the OT books please.


A book by Rusty and sezare???

Fuck yeah, sign me up!!!


Kicking around some ideas about the best way to approach it… Should I just write it? Should I take pre-orders? Should I do a KickStarter/IndieGoGo?


If you write it, quite a few folks will buy it. Will it be quickly profitable? Hard to say :confused:

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If you take pre orders, you might feel pressure to complete it. That might be good or bad, depending on what Pokémon type you are. I imagine “pre order” pressure is more harsh than “indiegogo” pressure, but idk!

This wasn’t helpful, was it?


Kickstarter will at least assess whether there is a viable market or not

Yeah, that is kind of the thought process / kicking around in the brain. Likes on Facebook is one thing… actually justifying doing the work / it being viable is another thing that can only be backed up by pre-orders / Kickstarter / Indiegogo

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A couple dozen people around here saying do it wouldn’t pay the bills I presume
Like any business plan best to have an idea of the market beforehand


I dunno, you’d have a book out. That’s a thing. People are still discovering the OT. I’ve only had one for 3 months or so. Seems like something that could keep paying off over the years. Ive done a lot of production library music in my life. The royalties are rarely huge, but every quarter I’ve gotten anywhere from a few hundred bucks to a few thousand for around 25 years now…mailbox money is nice


Wow 25 years
Let’s see, probably OT mk26
Hopefully Rusty’s book is still relevant :grinning:

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Never know!

Guess we’ll see.

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vidio tutorials looks much better then book for me.