OctaBible aka I Should Write a Book About the Octatrack

I could do with yer book today, how fast can you get a rough draft together? :smile:
but id defo support it in the future in all seriousnesss.


Can I do the foreword rusty?


Of course!


Hooray :smiley: i will start soonā€¦


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Iā€™d love to do some of the background audio if you do an audio book or video.

Edit: Oh yeah, a good buddy of mine does voiceovers professionally, Iā€™m sure heā€™d narrate.


Coming from a new Octatrack owner and user, I would love the idea of another piece of literature to help me understand this beautiful instrument. The Mk 2 manual is great, but I find I get lost in itā€™s writing from time to time. Would love something else to reference. Iā€™d buy it!

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Iā€™d buy that. Would it have pictures?


Yep for sure. As long as there are advanced tuts.

If you need any help with the editing and proofing, let me know via pm.

Lots of pretty pictures.


Scratch 'n sniff?

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Hubba hubba
Now Iā€™m interested :bikini:

The cover should be padded so you can comfortably rest your elbow on it as you dig your palm into your forehead.
Iā€™d buy one, for sure.

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Sign me up for a copy too :slight_smile:

Just scratched and sniffed myselfā€¦ not sure thatā€™s quite the value add that cats would be after :confused:

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Yes! Particularly useful would be a whole section on different live setup configurations with pictures and diagrams(Could almost go through that thread on this forum lol ).

Scenes for live performance.

Good defaults for different workflows(setting up the OT for live perf vs Studio use).

Experimental workflows.

Parts, yes they are not that hard to understandā€¦ but how do they work into a live set most effectively. What is good practice or starting point to make an arrangement where I can have a verse, chorus, breakdown, drop when switching to patterns with different parts.

The forward could be a short Merlins Guide haha.

Concepts and practice ā€¦ we donā€™t need another user manualā€¦ or do we :slight_smile:

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Merlinā€™s Guide is great but I for one would love to read Rustyā€™s uniquely qualified perspective on the topic. And then maybe Cenk will publish a guide, and the 3 tomes will collectively have it pretty much covered.


Yes, 1 soldā€¦

Iā€™m new to the octatrack but would definitely be interested!