Noob questions

Pan your signal.

OT delay is alternatively panned, but it depends on dry signal stereo field / balance.

If original signal is mono, it stays mono. Hard panned, the first repeat is hard panned on the other channel, then it alternates.


I see, i thought was like Ableton’s Ping Pong Delay and it would pan the delay effect regardless how the input is. Thanks for explaining.

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Is there a way to the midi out of the octa merge the incoming messages from Midi in ? I know this would require the Midi Thru, but in my setup i’d like to use both ports merged.

I’ll just leave this copypasta here for you:

In MIDI mode, notes received on the auto channel or the MIDI channel of the active track are mixed with the MIDI data sent by the track. Incoming notes will also be arpeggiated according to any arpeggiator settings made to the MIDI track. Depending on the CC DIRECT CONNECT setting, incoming MIDI messages will be handled differently. If the setting is activated, MIDI CC messages sent to the auto channel or the MIDI channel of the active MIDI track will be sent straight to the MIDI output port. When in LIVE RECORDING mode, specified CCs in the CTRL 1 and CTRL 2 SETUP pages can be recorded by the sequencer.

If the setting is deactivated, the MIDI tracks listen to MIDI CC messages according to the MIDI MODE MAPPINGS table found in “Appendix C: MIDI CONTROL REFERENCE“. Note that MIDI CCs 36-45 sent on the auto channel will be remapped according to the CC messages specified in the CTRL 1 and CTRL 2 SETUP pages. The only exception to this is if MIDI CC messages are sent to the MIDI channel of the active track. In that case, the Octatrack MKII will behave as if CC DIRECT CONNECT was activated.

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Received a used OT MkI and just discovered about 4 gigs occupied in the hidden “.Trashes” folder. Is it safe to delete the contents of this folder? Will there be any consequences? How do files get there? Thanks.

Probably someone used macos to delete 4 gigs of files and samples. (It can be undeleted if this was accidental).

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Apart from the leds, is there any way to measure with more precision, the incoming signal from the inputs ?

@disco Yep. Set up a track recorder to record your chosen inputs, look at the waveform as it records your inputs.


You can also use the noise gate to check input levels. I’ve never tried it, but I guess you just look at the level at which your signal comes through and determine input levels this way.
The db readout from the noise gate should be fairly precise.

If usually check in AED…Flex playing master track recording is handy to check master levels. First set up flex and your recorder on track 8, then switch track 8 to master. You can still open the AED from the master track (Track+Bank) and check your recording.
If the waveform goes through the ceiling of your display = you’re clipping.



I’m having a problem to use Analog Keys as an occasional midi controller. So far I have used my Microkorg without problems but I haven’t figured it out with A-keys.

OCTA midi settings are:
CLOCK = Send
PROG CH = Send (ch = 16)

Audio CC IN On
Audio Note In OFF

Analog Keys:
All sync settings = Receive
And other settings are left default. (maybe problem is in channel settings?)


Function + Midi Ext button opens the midi controller setup. Set your midi channel with which you want to control OT here. Best would be to set your AK to OTs autochannel, so that you always control the active track on OT.

Set midi cc according to OTs midi cc found in the manual.


Thanks a lot, now it works like a charm!

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About gain staging when using thru tracks, both in the mixer setion and SRC THRU, my question is :

If i want the Octatrack to accept the exatcly volume level coming in the input , should i :

1 - Set both to 0
2 - Set both to 63
3 - Set mixer to 63 and SRC THRU to 0 ?
4 - Set mixer to 0 and SRC THRU to 63 ?

The Octatrack does not have a Saturation FX. How could you simulate what an Analog Heat does, using the Octa ?

You cant.

You can use filter dist on the OT filter for an overdrive type sound. You can use the LOFI effect for digital distortion sounds. You can use the compressor to clip your signals. If you get creative with EQ plus the above, you can get some interesting sounds. None of that sounds like the Analog heat.


Thanks, i’ll try that. I’m asking because although i have a Heat, i’m thinking in letting it go because i’m trying to shrink my setup and i don’t like the Heat’s noise floor. But still, i want something to color things a bit on master bus.

Anyone ? :smiley:

From my own ‘noob’ perspective.
I would do 4. + Full track level.
That should give you unity gain (when the Thru machine is triggered). Not f*ng around with the mixer.

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This thread has a ton of good info about gain staging in the OT.


With main and cue level set to 0 on the mixer page, I set all thru machines to +63, amp volume 0.
Also remember to always have master track set to 127, lower will attenuate the levels.

When sampling from inputs, +63 on thru machines also makes sure I can fade between input and sample playback (transition trick) without any level changes.